Gergen's Orthodontic Lab is Proud to Announce New Vice President and Marketing Director Angela Rojas

Angela Rojas, VP/Marketing Director | Gergen's Orthodontic Lab

Gergen's Orthodontic Lab is proud to announce that the company has hired Angela Rojas as its vice president in the Gergen's Sleep company, a company that makes sleep apnea medical devices. Gergen's Sleep was, at the end of 2012, hands down the biggest sleep apnea appliance manufacturer in the United States of America. In January 2013, David Gergen, the company's CEO and founder, went to work 100 percent for Pro Player Health Alliance, which is a sleep apnea company that treats thousands of former NFL players. Gergen appointed from within his company - a move that proved to be very costly.

Due to market loss, David Gergen reached out to Angela Rojas. She was Arizona's top sleep apnea testing rep with Complete Sleep. Gergen knew at this point he had to hire a winner or the company would continue to slip. "Angela Rojas is one of the smartest people I have ever met, " Gergen said. "She is smart and the most positive person I have ever met. I feel she is the 'agent of change' for our team. At the time, Rojas had taken a job with USAA, a military insurance company, where it was no surprise that she was their top sales rep and the company gave her the nickname of "the closer."

Gergen's Orthodontic Lab's manager Chris Morrison said of Rojas: "We have never had someone with her background except David Gergen himself. We have just landed the Vivo's account and we are adding over 2,500 square feet to our facility. Her addition to our team is much needed, so those accounts who left us for phones issues or whatever service issues, come back to Gergen's. We never had issues with our quality, it was always with phones and service. The Gergen-Rojas team will be unbeatable and that is a promise. This lady has class, taste and unrivaled professionalism. Industry, welcome back Gergen's new vice president, Angela Rojas."


Tags: angela rojas, gergen's orthodontic lab, sleep apnea

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