Gese Blockchain-Platform - Choosing Alcohol Has Never Been So Simple

Every day hundreds of thousands of people in different countries are faced with the problem of choosing alcoholic beverages. Consumers are interested in the safety and taste of products, pricing and assortment of alcohol in nearby shops, and feedback from other buyers. Attempts to solve this problem take a lot of time with users having to look on their own for information about products on numerous Internet websites. However, many issues remain unaddressed, for example -- existing services simply do not allow you to verify the authenticity of a bottle of wine at a store.

The Gese blockchain-platform is a worldwide database of all alcoholic beverages, allowing users to quickly select a quality product that matches their taste preferences. Searching for information has never been easier: now, to get a complete product content information, a consumer just needs to place his smartphone over the NFC-label attached to the bottle. The Gese application gives the user a whole range of tools for selecting alcoholic beverages:

  • verification of the authenticity of the goods: the data about each produced bottle are entered into the blockchain and guarantee the safety of the product;
  • the feedback and rating system that allows you to make choices based on other users' reviews;
  • individual recommendations offered by the built-in artificial intelligence (AI);
  • a site for blogging about alcohol with rewards for posts paid in cryptocurrency;
  • price comparison at nearby stores;
  • remuneration for the delivery of used bottles to the glass container recycling points.

Gese will help the consumer make the right choices even before going to the store: the application will recommend alcoholic drinks based on the user's past preferences, show current reviews and help find the most optimal options from local stores. The buyer can verify the product authenticity by simply taking the bottle from the counter and placing his smartphone over the NFC-tag. Subsequently, the Gese user will be able to get a reward for writing a review about the purchased beverage and handing over the used packaging at a designated recycling point. Thus, the platform accompanies the buyer not only before, but also after the product purchase, thereby encouraging his activity within the system.

Rewards for posts

Every user of Gese can start his own blog about alcohol within the framework of the platform. Participants in the system have the opportunity to vote for posts that they find most interesting and useful. For each vote, the author of the blog receives a reward in cryptocurrency.

The reward system in Gese is largely built on the principles of the Steemit community, but is implemented in a more accessible form. At the same time, the platform solves the problem of insufficient amount of rewards, which many talented authors suffer from. In the case of Gese, the user community consists of people who share the same passion, which sharply increases interest in thematic posts about alcohol and contributes to the growth of the number of votes, hence the size of the rewards.

Business Advantages

To implement Gese's capabilities, the project needs interest not only from users, but also from the business side. The study of the alcohol market shows that manufacturers of alcoholic beverages, retail outlets and restaurants would gain a substantial benefit from working with the platform.

According to EUIPO, only in the EU alcohol manufacturers annually lose € 1.2 billion due to the spread of counterfeit products. Companies that provide users with a simple way to verify the authenticity of their goods automatically gain a competitive advantage over other players. At the same time, the low cost of NFC tags would not significantly affect the overall production cost.

In addition, businesses receive new channels for the promotion of their products, which is especially important in the alcohol market, where advertising is often limited by law. Gese offers several effective marketing formats for manufacturers, retail outlets and restaurant businesses:

  • Promotion of commercial posts;
  • Assigning higher priority to the particular goods in the lists of individual recommendations;
  • Publication of data about the selection and pricing of alcohol in stores, bars and restaurants.

At the same time, businesses would still have opportunities to use creative approaches to product promotion. For example, a local bar can start a blog with interesting stories and facts about alcohol that would attract new visitors and create a positive image for the establishment.


Statistics show that consumers are becoming more willing to experiment by visiting numerous bars and increasingly choosing crafted alcohol products from major brands. In this regard, the role of small local breweries and pubs — the opening of which requires serious financial investments — is growing.

The Gese platform is an ideal platform for running a business related to alcoholic beverages. An integrated platform for crowdfunding allows beginner entrepreneurs to quickly raise funds for launching their projects. Collective financing delivers not only start-up capital, but also loyal customers interested in the success of the business in which they invested their money. Thus, entrepreneurs receive access to another effective marketing channel that allows them to win the trust of their target audience.

Project monetization

  • Payment for NFC-tags by manufacturers.
  • Fee for increasing the level of the user account (increases the level of rewards for posts and other activities in the system).
  • Payment for product promotion by advertising agencies and manufacturers.
  • Commissions for the use of the platform for crowdfunding.
  • Fee for adding information about the availability and price of the product in shops and pubs.


One of the key conditions for the successful development of Gese is the active promotion of its platform around the world. To implement this task the project team decided to carry out an ICO.

The initial token allocation will be carried out in two stages:

  • Pre-ICO – From June 26 to July 10, 2018;
  • The main ICO stage – From Sept. 5 to Oct. 4, 2018.

The base cost of one token will be $ 0.1. Early investors will be able to get up to 30 percent discount for the purchase of tokens at the Pre-ICO stage. During the main stage of the crowdsale, the maximum discount will be 25 percent and will decrease by 5 percent every week.

The total of 600 million tokens will be issued of which 390 million are to be sold during the course of the crowdsale. In total, the Gese team intends to collect from 2 to 30 million dollars, which will be spent on the development and promotion of the project. The bounty-campaign anticipates to pay out 90 million tokens.

To learn more about the upcoming crowdsale and to get familiarized with the white paper of the Gese platform, please visit the official website of the project

Source: Gese


Tags: blockchain, cryptocurrency, ico

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Gese is a community of consumers who want to ensure the quality of: purchased goods; local establishments advancing within the platform; and brands.