Get My Auto Stresses Importance of UX in Dealership Websites

Get My Auto shares some important considerations for car dealerships looking to improve their website user experience.
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When buyers want to learn more about a new vehicle, they don’t immediately venture down to the showroom floor. More often than not, they begin their research process online—sometimes spending many hours on the Web before they ever go to an actual dealership. For used car dealers, the implications are clear: Having a robust Web presence is key for fostering foot traffic. A big part of that boils down to user experience. In a new statement to the press, Get My Auto explains this concept.

“Your dealership website should capture attention and then convert that attention into engagement,” Get My Auto says, in its new press statement. “Doing so means focusing on positive user experience.”

As for what user experience involves, a recent Dealer Marketing article has a useful explanation. “Digitally speaking, the user experience is the visitor’s journey and actions through your website,” the article states. “A successful user experience is one where a user can effortlessly navigate through your website with no roadblocks while extracting from it what they want and simultaneously fulfilling tasks you intended for them to do.”

There are two goals for user experience, Get My Auto adds. “Your website should be good enough and persuasive enough to convince visitors to either leave you their contact information or else visit your dealership in person,” the company notes.

Part of this involves creating a site navigation that is accommodating to new visitors, making it intuitive for them to access the information they need. Additionally, dealership websites should provide meaningful content that encourages the visitor to pursue more.

“Your job is to give them a great user experience with the right content and seamless navigation,” says the Dealer Marketing article. “This will make them want to continue to engage with your brand, and eventually wind up on the dealership floor.”

Concludes Get My Auto, “Your website is the first point of contact with a potential buyer, so it’s vital that it offers a positive experience.”

More information about Get My Auto, which provides marketing services to used car dealerships in Orange County and beyond, can be found at


Orange County based Get My Auto is a leading provider of integrated digital marketing services for auto dealerships around the country, and specifically in California. The company focuses on Facebook Ads, Craigslist, and other key digital platforms. The mission of the company is to help dealerships succeed, and in doing so to help buyers find the best deals on their dream cars. More information can be found on the Web at www.getmyauto .com. Get My Auto is headquartered in Orange County, California.

Additionally, Get My Auto can be contacted at: 17901 Von Karman, Suite 667, Irvine, CA 92614, or reached by phone at 949.408.3264.

Source: Get My Auto


Tags: Auto Sales, Car Dealerships, Get My Auto,, Used Car Sales, Website

About Get My Auto

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Get My Auto is an informational website about used vehicles. Its aim is to educate consumers about their pre-owned vehicle choices.

Get My Auto
17901 Von Karman Ave (#667)
Irvine, CA 92614
United States