Get Real USA Making Considerable Strides on the Global Electronic Goods Market

Get Real USA, Inc. [GTRL] announces the company continues to make considerable progress as the Company has completed the electronics selling website. Thomas J. Beener, CEO, stated “we are pleased to have completed the first but most critical step in becoming a global seller of electronic goods.” The domain name of the selling website is The site is completed with the initial listing of products and will actively be selling these various electronic goods, pending completion of linkage with Amazon. Get Real USA, Inc. invites and encourages shareholders, and the public at large to view the site. As stated in previous press release, the Company remains highly certain that they will be generating significant gross revenue in the first 90 days of operation. Revenue figures will be difficult to predict during the “ramp-up period”, but the Company expects that gross revenue should be approximately $200,000 within the first (3) months of successful operation. Also, as previously stated, it should be understood that listing and identifying sellable products, coupled with preparing the supply chain for numerous international sources, can take anywhere from 30 to 90 days.

Also as a new seller on Amazon, obtaining high listings on Google searches requires first, that the Company has a web page meeting Amazon standards; Second, that the products are clearly set forth; Third, that necessary approvals from suppliers have been provided; and Fourth, that the Company meets other additional requirements of Amazon. After the above steps are completed, to gain a “power listing position” on Amazon, positive product reviews and a history of a satisfied customer base are the key requirements. It must be understood that, although the web page will be capable of processing Company sales, the vast majority of sales will come through purchasers going to Amazon where the Company website will appear; and/or googling the type of goods the purchaser wants to procure, which will take them to Amazon or directly to the Company site.

Get Real USA, Inc. is aware that certain shareholders are somewhat impatient with progress of the Company, however, please understand the type of website the Company constructed is not simply the same type of site a business established to inform the public or create an image for a company utilizes. There are many moving parts in connecting with Amazon, the billing, credit card processing and approval of suppliers to handle their funds etc., is timely and difficult. Get Real USA, Inc. remains in negotiation with a leading importer of both recognized branded CE products and a strong selection of quality lower priced generic products. The negotiations are fruitful and the Company believes test product placement should occur this month. This relationship gives Get real USA, Inc. huge exposure to a unique but competitive market segment, which is a great launching pad for the Company. Furthermore, if successful, we believe this could open a productive relationship with a supplier of products on a global scale with global name recognition. The Company believes that hundreds of different products will be available for sale on within the next (12) months. Get Real USA, Inc. continues to work hard to achieve a roll out of the Company’s operations. The Company believes it will achieve its projected goals and appreciates the support of various people as well as the shareholders. 

About Get Real USA, Inc.

Get Real USA, Inc. utilizes the services of various third party operators who assist in identifying liquidators, evaluating product, and recommending product to the Company.  Once the Company determines that the product meets, and is consistent with the Company's overall plan; then the product is placed on the company operated selling website for sale to the general public. The Company maintains a call center to field all customer calls, ship product, and serve billing and collection notices to customers.  In exchange for the various services of third parties, the Company shares a percentage of its gross revenue for said services.  This arrangement is a major benefit to the Company in that it keeps fixed costs at a minimum thereby greatly reducing cash pressure.

Get Real USA, Inc. focuses primarily on electronic goods because of the size of the marketplace, the experience of the marketing group in the industry, and the availability of product from liquidators.  The goal of operations is to increase the stock price via revenue, company performance, and most of all profits.

Disclosure Statement:

Any statements that we make, other than historical facts, contain forward-looking information based on our business plans and assumptions at the time of disclosure. Such forward-looking information includes, but is not limited to, our expected growth strategies, projected operating results, anticipated timing for developing, obtaining approval for and bringing products to market and the status of R&D. Our business, as well as each product we develop and market, is subject to various risks and uncertainties beyond our control. Therefore, these forward-looking statements might differ substantially from the actual results. Risks and uncertainties that could affect the Company's future results and financial condition include, but are not limited to, the factors described below. Information disclosed is subject to addition, change or deletion without notice.


Tags: electronic, resell services, third party operators

About Get Real USA, Inc. (GTRL)

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Get Real USA, Inc., through its subsidiaries, focuses on the movie and streaming Internet business.

Get Real USA, Inc. (GTRL)
26 Rail Road Avenue (Suite 367)
New York, NY 10702
United States