Get Your Cleanse On! - Naturally Balance Your Hormones

21-Days to a Revitalized You Don't miss this hormone balancing regimen tailored specifically for women by women

Get Your Cleanse On! - Naturally Balance Your Hormones
21-Days to a Revitalized You
Don't miss this hormone balancing regimen tailored specifically for women by women

Tired of all the propaganda and pill pushing aimed at women age 35+, Dr. Sara Gottfried has spent the last 30 years helping women to transition to the next stage of their reproductive lives. A self-declared maverick, Dr. Sara is both a board-certified, Harvard-trained gynecologist,seeker, yoga teacher, and meditator.

"I've always been fascinated by both cutting-edge science AND the ancient healing systems such as yoga, traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurveda.Fortunately I'm not alone in this particular path, and we're developing rigorous ways of using botanicals to balance conditions such as burn-out, estrogen dominance, and low libido.You'll hear a lot about that from me. In fact, I don't shut up about it."

One of the things that Dr. Sara educates women about is the little discussed cause of weight gain for women 35 and older. Fluctuating hormonal levels has as much (if not more) to do with weight gain than your eating habits. In addition to weight issues, improperly balanced hormones lead to crankiness, exhaustion and other annoying symptoms. Hormonal imbalances have a number of causes including a sluggish thyroid, ovaries and adrenal production.

Of course as the body ages hormonal production changes, but these changes can be accelerated by stress. Know any stressed out 35+ year old women?

While Dr. Sara won't wave a magic wand to make the stress go away, she regularly counsels women on ways to minimize (and in some cases avoid) what "conventional wisdom" tells us mature women must endure through their menopausal journey.

In addition to her in-office workshops, Dr. Sara will be hosting a four week webinar series that will help women experience the 21-day cleanse that has worked so well for her in-house patients.

"This cleanse transforms in 21 days-it's a powerful tool that provides a springboard for women to remember, unearth, and learn how to live their lives in more vital, energized ways," explains Dr. Sara who has introduced many of her patients to the regimen and strongly believes "by getting our bodies back in balance, using ingredients native to the human body including vitamins, amino acids and minerals we are better able to restore cellular function and manifest robust health."

This fully supported program is geared towards women ages 35-70 includes four webinar meetings, detailed shopping guidelines, products and supplements, and weekly communication with the experts. Some of the things that will be covered over the four weeks (starting on March 24, 2011) are:

• Days 1-7: The most common toxins are gradually removed from the diet: sugar, alcohol, gluten, dairy and caffeine. Detox packets are provided which help with the transition and support liver detoxification.
• Days 8-21: Meal replacement smoothies (using Cleanse and Meal powders provided which stabilize blood sugar) are introduced.
• Days 8-21: One healthy meal per day is incorporated. Nutritional suggestions are provided and calibrated to each individual.
• Day 21: A slow reintroduction of foods desired back in participants diets occurs. Physiologic responses including weight gain and mood changes are noted. Tools are provided to gauge and measure changes.

This safe and effective elimination diet helps to maintain and/or improve women's lean body mass which is one of the very best anti-aging commitments we can make to our bodies. We only deal with companies that practice evidence-based medicine, and who utilize third party, random testing of their product line to ensure quality and performance are used to protect our patients.

This workshop is offered in a fully supportive, nurturing environment that allows all participants to interact with one another. Studies have shown that performing cleanses in a group setting, the structure and support needed for optimal success.

"I wasn't sure if I'd be able to stick to such a restricted diet for 21 days, but doing it with a group made it easier. There was a lot of support during the process. I'm ready to do it again. It seems like one of the best things I can do for myself." ~ Nancy, Oakland, CA

Join Dr. Sara Gottfried, MD and Beth Gillespie, MS for a 21-day Hormone Balancing Cleanse beginning on March 24, 2011-on the web! What better time than now to Get Your Cleanse On!

Register now until March 10th to receive a special introductory offer of $279 which includes the webinars and materials. After midnight on March 17th, the fee increases to $299. To register and to learn more, visit Dr. Sara at or call 510-893-3907.


Tags: balance, cleanse, Hormones

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Gottfried Center
300 Lakeside Drive #202
Oakland, CA 94618