Get Your Project Funded Now!!!
Online, December 2, 2010 ( - If you want to get a project funded or a small business ( loan, now is the time to get the process started as stated by the President of a private consulting firm, "Foremost Lending Consultants Corporation".
Richard Gerry, the President of FLCC acknowledges that firms have money to spend and those funds are starting to free up a little more. But you must have a solid presentation and do your research to determine what firms are doing what kind of projects.
"Funds are starting to free up and some investment firms are aggressively looking for projects to fund. What you have to be aware of are some firms have identified certain industries, areas or other factors as to what or where they are going to be looking to place those funds".
"These firms are still being cautious but given the fact they are looking and willing to part with some of that stockpiled cash tells me things are improving. Maybe not as fast as we would like but nevertheless, it's better than nothing", said Gerry.
"The best advice I can give anyone that is looking for any type of commercial financing is doing your homework or hiring a professional commercial lending ( consultant to give yourself the best possible opportunity for success".
In the last several weeks, Gerry has seen 100's of projects come across his desk. He is still surprised that some of these projects are still having trouble locating the appropriate funding but he is chalking it up to the simple fact that most people just don't know how to prepare a professional package to obtain financing.
Gerry knows that if people were willing to do some research and due diligence and hire a professional financing consultant, their chances of success would increase ten-fold.
"After you have hired a consultant that you are comfortable with, the next step is to work with the consultant and create a very good and professional business plan. It doesn't have to be 100's of pages but it does need to be concise and well written. It takes time and effort to do the research but you are trying to sell somebody on your project so sell them. Don't exaggerate or anything but create excitement and passion in that business plan" said Gerry.
"If you want someone's money for your project, you better be able to demonstrate that you have put some time, money and effort into it. Whatever company you deal with, know something about them even if you retained a consultant. Information is still a very valuable commodity. And finally, always remember that in this industry, it's always the person with the money makes the rules".
Richard Gerry is the lead consultant for Foremost Lending Consultants Corporation and can be contacted any weekday from 8-6 PST.
Richard Gerry
[email protected]
Las Vegas, Nevada 89149
Tags: Corp consulting, Corp structuring, financing, loans