Getting the Best Performance out of EPDM Coatings for Protection
Online, September 16, 2009 (
EPDM Roof Coatings provides benefits similar to some other popular membranes like low installation cost, low life cycle maintenance and repair costs, quick installation and it can even be coated with white acrylic coating to improve its energy efficiency. In addition to all of the typical benefits of high quality roof coatings, EPDM can be installed in such a way to allow for a 30 year warranty against hail damage. Fix all Roofs offers such type of roof repair coating that is very easy in application and provides you great protection from any type of roof leaks. These roof repair coatings are easily applicable and have the ability to extend the life cycle of wear and tear a roof because they are EPDM based products. They also can provide you great resistance for temperature and keep the internal temperature under control in summer season. After applying this roofing material you can get the best from your EPDM membrane, and therefore no leaks.
There is something very special in EPDM based roof repair products as they offer high resistance to wind damage has also proven to be an increasingly desirable attribute. Architects, roof consultants and contractors have come to depend on EPDM's time tested, long-term performance for roof leaks repair. So that's why Fix All Roofs has introduced Elastomeric roof coatings for getting the complete benefits from the EPDM.
Elastomeric Roof Coatings has the great resistance for rain water. In fact, EPDM has been used for pond liners for years. Nevertheless, ponding should not be allowed on any flat roof. In other words, water should not remain on a roof 48 hours after precipitation. Manu-facturers of EPDM recommend a positive drainage system (1/4"per foot) and this is possible with Elastomeric Roof Coatings designed by
Tags: elastomeric, elastomeric roof coatings, epdm, primers, Roof coatings, roof leaks, roof repair, rubber coatings