Gigaflash Collection Strive To Develop Something More For You!

Gigaflash Collection (Gigaflash Limited) With its belief "Life Appreciation" We want to add something more on top of your daily life. We would like to assist your daily life and let you experience what's extraordinary!

Gigaflash Collection had been established a couple months ago.
It is a new brand as well.

Gigaflash Collection strive to develop something special for the user.

In the past few months Gigaflash Collection did developed lots of USB Flash Drive.
Those USB flash drives are in different shape and color.
Some of them are even equipped with special function.

For example a bottle opener USB Flash Drive, so many testing had been done and it does work. The opener is really solid and tough enough.

Gigaflash Collection strongly believe that life should be full with fun, joy and definitely deserve more appreciation.

Feel free to share with the Creation Team for any ideas, let's inspire each other and achieve "Life Appreciation" !!!

It is probably a way to enrich our daily life. Everyday, people had done a lot of daily stuff. Those action are repeated as a habit and do it without consciousness.

Get away from ordinary. Say "NO" to simple or normal stuff.

Gigaflash Collection actually offer different capacity for USB Flash Drive, user can choose whatever they want, which could be bigger size, or own a smaller one.

Start from 4GB and up to 16GB.

Gigaflash Collection are now doing some testing for USB 3.0 too.
Gigaflash Collection assume that using USB 3.0 is becoming common.

Making the USB Flash Drive more user-friendly is also a key element. Gigaflash Collection Creation Team focus on both the internal (Specification) and external (Appearance).

Gigaflash Collection hope developing USB Flash Drive is just a start. There would be more products coming soon in the future.

The key is that the users can really enjoy using the products and most important -- "Life Appreciation"


Tags: Brand, gadget, gift, usb flash drive

About Gigaflash Limited

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Kenneth Leung
Press Contact, Gigaflash Limited
Gigaflash Limited
Floor 8, Block A, Goodview Industrial Building
11 Kin Fat Street, Tuen Mun, N.T., Hong Kong
Hong Kong