Global Awareness Initiative Reports Azerbaijan Bombs Cathedral in Nagorno-Karabakh

​​​​​To stop disinformation surrounding the current conflict with Turkey and Azerbaijan and spread awareness in the international community, Armenia's tech community leaders came together to form the Global Awareness initiative.

What's happening on the frontline of Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh)

  • CNN held an interview with the president of Azerbaijan, where he was asked about the presence of Turkish F-16s in their territory. The president confirmed they are in the base. The statement of the president contradicts the one made by his assistant Hikmat Hajiyev a day before, where he claimed there were no F-16 fighter-jets on their soil.
  • The Human Rights Ombudsman of Artsakh published a document, where it’s clearly seen that under the authoritarian regime of the Aliyev clan there has been a rise in Armenophobia across Azerbaijan. Unfortunately, the situation is not only in politics but also among the people of Azerbaijan and the educational system.
  • Recently there have been thousands of pages created by Azerbaijani people trying to spread national propaganda across Facebook and Instagram. Facebook removed 589 Facebook accounts, 7,906 Pages and 447 accounts on Instagram, which were used to boost pro-government activities. These accounts even attacked influential people like Cardi B and Elton John, threatening and forcing them to remove their posts. Facebook cited these as “coordinated inauthentic behavior.”
  • On October 8, Azerbaijan’s army bombed the Saint Ghazanchetsots Cathedral of Shushi dating back to the 19th century, twice. This is a grave violation of The Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict. The second bombing happened a few hours later, when there were journalists to report about the shelling. Russian and local reporters were injured.
  • The City Council of Geneva City just adopted a Resolution (49 yes, 18 abstentions, 2 no) condemning the military aggression of Azerbaijan, recognizing the right of the Armenians from Karabagh to self-determination, and demanding from the federal government to freeze the assets of the Aliyev family in Switzerland.

More from today:

See the complete press release here
Press kit

Global Awareness​
[email protected]

Source: Global Awareness


Tags: Armenia, Artsakh, Azerbaijan, Conflict, Nagorno-Karabakh, Terrorists, Turkey, War

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Armenia's tech community leaders have come together to form an initiative to spread awareness in the international community, and stop disinformation surrounding the current conflict with Turkey and Azerbaijan.

Regional Reporter
3 Hakob Hakobyan St.