Global Mining and Renewables Experts Prepare to Meet at Energy and Mines Dec. 10-11, Toronto

Global mining and renewable energy experts are preparing to meet at the Energy and Mines World Congress taking place Dec. 10-11 at the Hilton Toronto. The 6th annual event is set to be the largest gathering of senior mining energy decision-makers and renewable energy experts with 300+ attendees expected.

“Rising energy costs for mines and increased pressure to reduce carbon emissions has led to the highest number of new renewables projects for mines over the last year with around a dozen announced and several more advancing,” commented Adrienne Baker, Director, Energy and Mines. “This is a very exciting time in the mining and renewable energy space and we’re looking forward to more developments at the Congress.”

Rising energy costs for mines and increased pressure to reduce carbon emissions has led to the highest number of new renewables projects for mines over the last year with around a dozen announced and several more advancing.

Adrienne Baker, Director

The Congress showcases mines leading the transition to renewable energy and low-carbon solutions and provides a timely and essential networking platform for mining and energy experts to discuss project opportunities. This year’s agenda features senior representatives from Agnico Eagle, De Beers, Newmont Mining, Teranga Gold, IAMGOLD, Gold Fields, Rio Tinto, Barrick Gold, Goldcorp, Kinross Gold, Kirkland Lake Gold, Glencore, Algold, B2Gold, Tahoe Canada, Vale, Hudbay Minerals, Nordgold, and Erdene Resource Development.

Sponsors and attendees from the renewable energy sector view the Congress as the key networking and business development opportunity with the global mining sector. “If you’re involved in any aspect of power for mines, it’s hard not to be excited about the Energy & Mines World Congress in Toronto,” reported Rob Schueffner, Microgrids and Renewables Commercial Manager, Caterpillar. “You get a chance to talk with all the people in the industry about the real challenges and opportunities they’re facing, and then develop real solutions for the project. It's exciting.”

Current Congress sponsors include 20 global leaders in renewables development, hybrids, consulting, engineering, and energy storage including Thought-Leader Sponsors Caterpillar, Sterling & Wilson and the Canadian Trade Commissioner Service; and Lead Sponsors BBA, Juwi, Advisian, and Wartsila. Hatch, G+ Plastics, Convergent, NRStor, Tulloch, Enel X, Total Eren, Saturn Power, Rioglass, ESS, Engie, SunGrid and Ontario Power Generation are also sponsors and exhibitors.

“We look forward to engaging with as many potential mining clients as possible at the Congress, hoping to seek their appreciation of the need for an increasingly decarbonised mining landscape globally, and our potential role to help them achieve it,” said Vishwanathan Iyer, Head of Business Development, Hybrid & Energy Storage, Sterling & Wilson, a global hybrid solutions provider.

“Knowing that there are very key industry players at the event, I always enjoy meeting with them at both the formal and informal settings,” added Jean-Philippe Castonguay, Director of Off-Grid Hybrid Power and Partner at BBA. “The cocktail reception and dinner last year were fantastic opportunities to connect in an informal setting, and our network built significantly following those events.”

“I am very excited about this year’s World Congress because it enables us to share our recent project and technology developments as well as the real-life experience of operating the world’s largest PV battery hybrid at DeGrussa in Australia for more than 2 years,” commented Amiram Roth-Deblon, Head of Global Business Initiatives, juwi Renewable Energies. “It is equally important to our team to listen to mining energy leaders, learn about their projects and their energy outlook. The great lineup of speakers and participants enables me to meet existing and, hopefully, many future clients.”

Tristan Jackson, Director, Smart & Distributed Energy, Advisian is also looking forward to hearing from mines and other experts at the Congress.Most of all, I'm looking forward to the questions the mining companies still have, hearing from them what they are seeing, expecting, and what they consider to be the main challenges so we can learn better how to help them meet them,” said Jackson.

Visit the event website for full conference details or contact Adrienne Baker on +1 613 680 2482 or

Click here to download the Congress brochure
Click here to register for the Congress.

Source: Energy and Mines


Tags: decarbonization, energy costs, mining, renewable energy, renewables, resource sector