GMS Piling Products to Highlight New Capacity, New Facility at DFI Annual Conference on Deep Foundations in Chicago

GMS Piling Products, Inc. will be at the DFI 44th Annual Conference on Deep Foundations (#DFI44), Oct. 15-18, 2019, at the Hilton Chicago, to discuss their new facility and expansion of capabilities with conference attendees.
GMS Piling Products, Inc.

GMS will have an exhibit space at the conference, booth # 1023. Business development and sales personnel, as well as company principals, will be available to detail their recent expansion of GMS operations and the opening of their facility in Hanover Township, PA (Luzerene County). They will be available to discuss solutions for geotechnical project and bidding challenges through their offerings of materials and services.    

The event marks the 44th Annual Conference on Deep Foundations. The event draws engineers, contractors, suppliers, manufacturers, service providers and owners from the geotechnical and construction of deep foundations industry. Upwards of 1,000 attendees are expected. Activities include the meetings of DFI’s 25+ technical committees, plenary and parallel technical sessions, networking events, a student activities program, conference expo sessions from manufacturers, suppliers and service providers, and enjoy access to the exhibit hall with almost 150 industry organizations in exhibition.

Welcoming remarks and the initial plenary session is at 8:30 a.m., Wednesday, October 16; both plenary and parallel technical sessions are to follow through the conference. Committee Meetings start Monday, October 14, and continue through the conference. The Exhibit Hall is open during sessions Wednesday, October 16 to Friday, October 18. In addition, a Welcome Reception is hosted in the Exhibition Hall at 6:00 p.m. on October 16. A Women in Deep Foundations Networking Reception is scheduled for Tuesday, October 15, at 6:30 p.m. in the south lobby of the Chicago Hilton.

For more information on the conference, contact GMS or visit the conference website:

Source: GMS Piling Products, Inc.


Tags: geotechnical, micropiles, piling, pipe piles, threaded casing

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