Google For Major Revisions To The Search Algorithm, Aggravating The Time Factor

Google announced the revised algorithm for search engine in the United States, local time Thursday.

According to China wholesale store Buyechina's ( ) PR manager, Kokin James said Google announced the revised algorithm for search engine in the United States, local time Thursday. The new algorithm will add to time factors. The changes will make 35% of the search results produce change.

Google made that change is because the more people now want search the real time news from Twitter or other website, but Google current search algorithm cannot do this. The results showed there seems a little out of date, such as a search "Oscar" to find out the exact time for awards this year, get the search results is a past awards content and so on.

Google called this new algorithm as "freshness algorithm", using Google's "caffeine" web index system faster the capture of the network information, and give the relevant real-time search results. Every year to more than 500 times revision for google search algorithm, but most of the changes will affect only a fraction of the search results.

Wholesale electronics Buyechina's Kokin James said that the last time a large-scale changes in February this year, when Google eliminated some low quality of sites, such as farm information site, the affected search results achieved 12% or so.

After the implementation of the new algorithm for recent events, such as the academy award or the presidential election, the latest update information would rank in the forefront of the search results, such as using time tools at Google news search. In addition, for more frequent updates topics, such as new iPhone to the commentary etc, also shows up by latest comments.'s PR manager Kokin James also said: For those content of the search results that not sensitive to time, such as "how to change a car tires" or "banana bread practice" and "china electronics", Google said their algorithm can know what is most suitable for the answer, the result will not be affected at this time.


Tags: algorithm, buyechina, google

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