GOProdigii Licenses Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) IP to Build One of the First Dynamic ESG Risk Management Platforms
CLEVELAND, December 1, 2020 ( - GOProdigii, LLC. announced today that the company has entered into an agreement with the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB). Under the Agreement, GoProdigii is licensing SASB's intellectual Property (IP) for purposes of developing a cloud-based dynamic ESG risk management platform, 4IMPACT. Through its 4IMPACT platform, GOProdigii is planning to use a secure Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance (GRC) platform that will make client ESG related data easily usable to apply SASB ESG standards to tackle the broad issues of corporate governance, enterprise ESG risk management (ESG-ERM), and corporate ESG compliance.
4IMPACT then plans to apply artificial intelligence to automate the ESG metrics monitoring and reporting processes to create a single, holistic ESG risk management solution that will enable small and mid-cap companies to achieve near real-time visibility into their ESG performance - from the farthest reaches of the supply chain, across divisions, products and services, consolidating into a single set of auditable metrics that are material to that company's business. 4IMPACT is the first-of-its-kind, all-in-one software as a service (SaaS) platform that provides companies and their investors with the tools and services needed to dynamically measure and manage environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) risks.
Source: GoProdigii, LLC
Tags: 4IMPACT, 4IMPACT Dynamic ESG Risk Management, Compliance, Compliance Reporting, Corporate Governance, Corporate Responsibility, Dynamic ESG Risk Management, Environmental, ESG, ESG Index Funds, ESG Investing, ESG Monitoring, ESG Networks, ESG Performance, ESG Risk Management, ESG Risks, ESG SAAS, GoProdigii, Impact Investing, SASB, SASB standards, Social, Sustainability, Sustainable Investing, Sustainable Investors