Gotham Government Relations Announces the Launch of the New York Blockchain and Crypto Association ("NYBCA")
NEW YORK, February 23, 2022 ( - The New York Blockchain and Crypto Association ("NYBCA") is a non-profit trade organization focused on the education and promotion of blockchain-inspired technologies and crypto to key decision-makers and the general public. Through the tech community, it has held, and plans to hold, numerous events bringing the best in the industry to educate and direct the general public on the advantages of this revolutionary technology.
NYBCA was formed in order to provide a single voice for reputable leaders within the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry operating within the greater New York area intent on capturing the synergies of operating in one of the world's greatest media and financial marketplaces.
Blockchain networks and cryptocurrencies are proving to have transformative applications in all manner of use cases never originally envisioned. NYBCA intends to represent the prime movers that are advancing these disruptive technologies in ways that bring value to the marketplace. To accomplish this, NYBCA will:
- Reform and target New York's BitLicense. NYBCA will be looking to its membership, other industry actors, and examples of cryptocurrency-friendly havens to encourage the formulation of a licensing structure that meets a State's declared goal of making it easier for start-ups to enter the New York market. NYBCA will explore a carve-out for cities with populations of over one million inhabitants to designate certain areas as license-exempt, conterminous with designated enterprise or empowerment zones.
- Promote legislation aimed at providing resources and tools to New York's Empire State Development Corporation, as well as other regional public benefit development corporations throughout the state, with an economic development mission to help them attract companies that harness blockchain technology by providing a plethora of incentives, including tax incentives and abatements, incubator space, and enriched incentives, if these companies locate in a designated enterprise of empowerment zones.
- Educate key constituencies about how blockchain technology can bring about a more secure, private, and competitive digital marketplace in the United States' financial capital.
- Advocate for regulatory clarity and relief.
- Engage with industry, government, media, and aligned groups to augment our message and effectuate meaningful reforms to position New York for the future.
NYBCA's goal is to improve the public policy environment in all levels of New York government including, but not limited to, Albany and NYC so that blockchain networks can thrive in New York State. NYBCA will guide regulators and lawmakers to strike the right balance between consumer protection and security concerns while setting the stage for stability, growth, and wider implementation. NYBCA's membership is dedicated to fostering a dialogue between industry and government to share knowledge, identify opportunities, and create an ecosystem that's transparent, secure, and respects society's desire for greater equity and greater community.
For more information, please visit and
Source: Gotham Government Relations
Tags: bitcoin, blockchain, crypto