Gotta Be Good News For Obese Americans! On The Other Hand Is It?
Online, October 18, 2013 ( - Mexico has overtaken the United States in levels of adult obesity. Almost one-third of adult Mexicans, 32.8 percent, are obese compared to 31.8 percent of Americans, according to the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization, or F.A.O.
Obesity for the Mexicans is a relatively recent problem. In a country where millions still don't get enough to eat, the introduction of processed foods has seen the middle classes foregoing traditional whole grains and vegetables in favor of a diet with more animal products, more fat, more sugar and more salt.
According to the United Nation's World Health Organization, Mexico is now the largest consumer of soft drinks. The average Mexican drinks 163 liters of soda each year which equates to approximately 46 gallons! That is 40 per cent more than the average American. However, according to Coca Cola, Mexicans consume around 650 cans each year - 200 liters - 52 gallons.
Whilst the Mexican government is introducing measures in an attempt to tackle obesity, should Americans be giving the high fives for dropping to second in the world obesity league? I think not! The fact is is that one in three American adults is chronically overweight; 300000 die each year from obesity; and obesity is the second biggest source of preventable deaths each year. A sobering thought, and certainly not one for celebration.
However, there is some GOOD NEWS for all those obese Americans that are excited to be heading to Brazil's 2014 Summer Olympic Games. Brazilian law defines obesity as a handicap, and therefore the Castelao, the main Olympic stadium, must be properly outfitted for the disabled. Approximately 120 of the 64000 seats have been designed for the obese spectator, and are equipped to hold up to 560 pounds.
But these seats have a sting in the tail. All obese seating is $58 whilst other seating will start at $28. If paying more for your seat is not punishment enough, all such seating is painted blue. So don't worry, your friends and relatives back home will find it a lot easier to see you on T.V.!
For those of you who would like to pay less, and not have the stigma of sitting in the fatty enclosure, Naturesce has a buy one get one free offer on Amazon for its hugely popular appetite suppressant Garcinia Cambogia 30, with FREE SHIPPING using Coupon Code 90BOGOF1. I suggest that you get over there and order a couple of bottles before they're all gone!
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