Grandmaster Jan Markos Victorious, But Not Without Stains

The first online simul against GM Jan Markos brought interesting and fairly surprising results.

There is fairly limited number of occasions for an amateur to play against a famed international Grandmaster, or even an international Master. There are, still, some possibilities for everyone to test their chess skills.

For example, on Tuesday, the very first simultaneous exhibition by the best Slovak chess player, Grandmaster He faced six chess players from five countries. This time, challenging players were more successful than in the last simul against GM Ipatov. The final score was 4.5 to 1.5 for the grandmaster.

Jan has made the event interesting by the choice of his first move. In contrast to Ipatov, who moved to 1.b3 every time, Markos started every game by a different move, which concluded in several different positions.

During opening, Brazilian player called brazilian has acquired the greatest advantage. By very clever exchange of Queens, brazilian got into markedly better endgame and due to lack of active counter attack, Slovak Grandmaster had to congratulate his opponent a few moves afterwards.

The game against German chess player nicknamed Husplayer resulted in a draw. In this game, Markos was not able to prevail in a King's gambit while playing white and as Husplayer played without apparent flaws, the game ended undecidedly.

The rest of the games did not bring any surprises, Jan was always triumphant.

We would like to congratulate to players, who did remarkably well. To the rest of the protagonists, including GM Jan Markos himself, we would like to thank on behalf of the complete team and more than 50 viewers.

The next simul takes place on Wednesday, 21/9/2011 at 17:00 GMT. The qualification will held on Tuesday and is open to everybody registered to More information and registration can be found it in the site's tournament section.

"We would like to offer an opportunity for anybody to play against a grandmaster," says Marek Holeva from "And everybody is invited to try to defeat him," he adds, smiling.


Tags: chess, online, play, simul


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