Grauer School Awarded National Science Foundation Grant to Establish Guitar Building Class
Online, December 12, 2011 ( - Encinitas, CA----The Grauer School in Encinitas was awarded a grant from The National Science Foundation in collaboration with Purdue University to establish an innovative Guitar Building class. Under the leadership of Sean Hauze, Grauer Technology Coordinator/Music Teacher and Morgan Brown, Grauer Math Department Chair and Robotics/Physics Teacher, these Grauer faculty members collaborate in teaching a unique electric guitar building class that combines engineering skills with woodworking craftsmanship. It's the first of its class to be offered in San Diego's North County, which utilizes the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) methodology.
In order to qualify for the grant, both Hauze and Brown were invited to participate in a five-day guitar building workshop designed to hone the skills of students in the combined disciplines of math, science, engineering and music. Upon completion, Hauze and Brown were given curriculum models as well as Luther guitar building kits (wood frames, strings, frets and electronic wiring). Back on campus, the elective attracted seven high school students who enrolled in the yearlong class predominately with an interest in music, but who are also learning additional skills in collaborative design and rapid manufacturing.
According to Brown, "Although the students who signed up for this class are mostly musically inclined who have always wanted a guitar of their own, we quickly discovered through STEM instruction that these students also developed engineering skills as it relates to measurement, electronics and woodworking. Under science, they learn physics (wave motion, magnetics, frequencies) and chemistry (finishes); in technology they gain an understanding of laser, electronics, woodworking and tool usage (power and hand); in engineering they learn about design, analysis, material properties and ergonomics while in math they utilize geometry, algebra, logarithms and calculus." Hauze added, "Grauer is a very strong performing arts school and this class has attracted students who like art, technology and music. Using their hands also provides students with a sense of accomplishment---a lot of them are using power tools that they've never used before. The finished products are generating such professional results that the students have decided to put their best guitar up for auction at the Grauer School Gala this coming spring. It's evident that this class has also instilled a sense of pride in their work."
The Grauer School is an independent grades 6 -12 college preparatory day school in Encinitas accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. The school serves as a successful educational model for hundreds of private schools around the world through the Coalition of Small Preparatory Schools established by Founding Director, Stuart Grauer, Ed.D. The school will be hosting an Open House for prospective students for the 2012 academic year on January 8, 2012, from 10:30 am to 2:00 pm, with tours offered every 20 minutes. To learn more about The Grauer School experience or upcoming Open House, visit or call 760/944-6777. For inquiries on the Guitar Building class, connect with either faculty member via email: Sean Hauze, [email protected] or Morgan Brown, [email protected].
Tags: class, engineering, Grauer, guitar, music, school, science, STEM, university, woodwork