Great-Niece of Civil Rights Daughter Launches Benefit Corporation to Innovate Disability Device Products

Wanda & Stephen

Wanda L. Spence, great-niece of civil rights daughter Delilah W. Pierce, internationally renowned artist, curator, advocate, and diplomat, launches Nebulae Global Benefit Corporation to manage the development and launch of mobility devices that will bring equity and greater independence to individuals with physical disabilities.

Wanda put her creativity into action after a member of her church experienced a non-life-threatening fall. The experience left the church member with anxiety.

"I could tell the church member was embarrassed and upset with her independence being diminished. I immediately started thinking about how I could create a company to develop products to help maintain a sense of independence for individuals with physical disabilities," said Wanda.

Wanda then asked Stephen R. McDow II (son) to help. Stephen has spoken several times on how the cooperative business model could be used to innovate products that impact individuals with disabilities.

Stephen said, "Oftentimes, poor Whites and Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) are forgotten about if they live with a physical disability in society. They often feel isolated and become depressed, leading to a diminished quality of life. We cannot throw away the key and forget about the millions of seniors and individuals with disabilities."

Still motivated from speaking at the Cooperatives UK Retail Conference, Stephen connected Wanda (mother) with his mentor and friend, Roland Hall, senior partner at Autry, Hall, Cook, LLP in Georgia. Mr. Hall advised them to launch a benefit corporation and manage it following the cooperative principles. A benefit corporation will create jobs, empower entrepreneurs, and build strong eco-systems.

On Nov. 30, 2020, Nebulae Global Benefit Corporation was formed.

Wanda L. Spence, Founder & CEO, "We feel like it is our calling to help improve the human condition by investing in entrepreneurs and communities."

Nebulae Global has an initial goal of raising $2 to $5 million in capital to develop and launch its first product - a patented mobility medical device. The Spence Family has invested some initial startup capital; however, reaching the financial targets will increase opportunities for success.

"Stephen and I knew we needed an all-star team to accomplish our goals. We hired Chad Schneider, PE, MSE, who is the founder and president of Root3 Labs, an engineering and product development firm and recruited Dr. Ursela Worsham, from UC Irvine Medical School as a founding board member to name a few," Wanda said.

Mr. Schneider will serve as Nebulae's chief technologist and help lead the development of Nebulae Global's portfolio of mobility and disability products. Chad has over 20 years of engineering experience in the design of complex electromechanical prototypes and products for the medical device industry.

Dr. Ursula Worsham, Executive Director of Student Support Services for University of California Irvine School of Medicine will help Nebulae Global maintain its focus on helping people and communities first over profit. 

Contact: Jonathan Pizzutti, Government and Public Affairs Chief (Consultant) at [email protected].

Source: Nebulae Global Benefit Corporation


Tags: American Seed Fund, BIPOC, Black Business, Columbia University, Coop Exchange, Cooperative, DC, Delilah W. Pierce, Elaine Dean, George Washington University, Howard University, Innovate, Innovation, Justice, Martha's Vineyard, McDow International Enterprises, NAACP, National Science Foundation, New York, Northeastern University, Oak Bluffs, People of Color, Poor White, Rural, Small Business, Social Enterprise, Spence, STEM, Stephen McDow, Stephen R. McDow II, Sustainable Business, Technology, University of Penn, Urban, Wallace, Wanda L. Spence, Wanda L. Spence Enterprises, Wanda Spence Actress, Washington