Green Mountain Products Introduces Superpolymer Suit to Provide Head-to-Toe Protection Against Zika Virus and Mosquito-Borne Illnesses

​Green Mountain Products, a 45 year old manufacturing company, has introduced a superpolymer suit, which provides head-to-toe protection against mosquitoes, ticks, bees, and numerous other insects.

This suit, which has been in service for more than a dozen years, provides protection against common industrial hazards such as powdered lead paint, asbestos, and herbicides as well as dry pesticides. The suit has been shown to prevent micro particle intrusion of foreign matter down to .5 (one half a micron).

Tried and field tested for protection and durability, these suits are now being pressed into service to protect against the Zika virus, as well as the West Nile and other mosquito-borne illnesses. This new danger, the Zika virus, and its far reaching effects are no match for this modern miracle suit.

The suggested retail cost is $9.98 and is available at retail outlets and online for easy purchase. For samples or further information contact, Matt Deedon, plant manager at Green Mountain Products, Inc. He can be reached at [email protected].

About Green Mountain Products

Green Mountain Products, Inc. is a Connecticut manufacturing corporation founded 1974. The company’s customer base spans from national retail chains and catalogs to single store retail outlets. Sales are both domestic and international with distribution in Central Europe, South America and Australia.

Contact information

Green Mountain Products, Inc.
44 Muller Industrial Park, Norwalk, CT 06851 
Phone: 203 846-9505
Email: [email protected]


Source: Green Mountain Products


Tags: bug bites, mosquito, mosquito borne illness, mosquito protection, west nile, zika, zika virus

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About Green Mountain Products

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Green Mountain Products, Inc. is a Connecticut manufacturing corporation founded 1974. The company's customer base spans from national retail chains and catalogs to single store retail outlets.