Green Super Food Powder PHresh Greens Is Now Available In New Zealand
Online, March 28, 2011 ( - 14,000km is nothing in the pursuit of health for Nutritionist and Personal Trainer Stacey Hancock. After seeing pHresh greens on Facebook, Stacey fell in love with the product image and the messages it was portraying, the product was fresh, youthful, health focused, energetic, alive and real. These are all messages that Stacey encompasses through her Hamilton based business.
" I just found myself going to the pHresh greens website and facebook page every day just to marvel over the branding alone" Stacey says.
But it's not just the message that makes pHresh greens Stacey's preferred choice in greens.
"There are loads of green powders on the market, but never have I seen one that magnetically sticks to the spoon. This really told me that this was a special product".
The shipment was ordered and tasted, and Stacey hasn't looked back.
"I was using a green powder prior to using pHresh greens ( ) and what I found was that pHresh greens had a much milder flavour, so I could mix it in with my protein shake and barely notice it. My energy levels shot through the roof, and I became 'more regular', which was astounding, because I already was! I also found that per 100g pHresh greens was a lot more cost effective than other mixed green powders. All up, this particular supergreen ticks all my boxes".
And why wouldn't it? pHresh greens is 100% organic, and is slow dried under 70 degrees which helps to retain pHresh greens life energy and it's high electrical potential, hence why it sticks to the spoon. pHresh greens has 16 different 'green' ingredients and just over 30 different nutrients. It's formula is highly alkalising to the body, helping to maintain healthy tissue and general good health. Just 1tsp of pHresh greens is equivalent to 3-4 servings of veges.
"I'm looking forward to my clients using this product. I deal with a lot of stressed and fatigued clients, and also a lot of clients who avoid vegetables, and then there are those who don't like taking pills (supplements). There is also the other class of clients who simply don't like the taste of green powders, and I don't blame them. I'm anticipating pHresh greens to be quite well received".
pHresh greens is available in New Zealand by visiting For retailer enquiries in NZ you can contact Stacey Hancock via email or phone +021 688 540.
About pHresh Greens
Personal Health Product Development, LLC has developed a brand of products to help maintain health and achieve optimum wellness. We are a company whose mission is to bring an awareness of health, primarily through educating others about the importance of preventive maintenance. Our products help maintain health and achieve wellness. pHresh greens ( ) is a full range Organic superfood blend with the most alkalizing green vegetables, grasses and sea algae, providing a natural source of vitamins, trace minerals, chlorophyll and other healing substances. pHresh Salt can help restore optimal pH balance in your body before acidosis or alkalosis can wreak havoc in the various organ systems, particularly the nervous, cardiovascular and the urinary systems. pHresh Greens are 100% organic and made in the USA.
Tags: balance your ph, green superfood powder, pHresh greens, super food, super greens, superfood powder, superfood supplements