Green Train Announces Hollywood Charity and Inku Artist McKenzie
Online, October 7, 2009 ( - Green Train Project founder Bob Wolf is proud to announce the participation of famed artist McKenzie in the project's effort to raise awareness of natural resource conservation. Known as the Hollywood ECO artist, the award-winning oil painter uses recycled substrate with nontoxic materials. Her paintings have been featured at charitable events with celebrities, such as Brad Pitt, Ellen Degeneres, George Clooney, Cameron Diaz, Demi Moore, and many others.
"I am honored to be part of The Green Train. Their message promotes environmental awareness, education, and unity across America. The project will change our planet in an awe-inspiring way. Knowledge is power," said McKenzie.
She was stricken with a devastating environmental illness, thought by doctors to be triggered by years of exposure to toxic materials in the art creating process. This sickness inspired and propelled McKenzie life-changing mission to discover and create an innovative way to produce healthy, earth-sensitive fine art and prints, which she calls Inku Art.
McKenzie's process uses paints that are VOC-free and created using earth-friendly methods. The painting is then scanned using wind-powered facilities. The image is then printed on sugarcane or bamboo fine art paper, using cutting edge, state-of-the-art technology. The frames are made from compressed sawdust waste, and the art is shipped in recycled packaging. The entire process involves the most environmentally sensitive products and businesses available. One-hundred percent of the profits from the art is donated to environmental causes.
To read more about Inku Art, Artist McKenzie, or The Green Train please visit McKenzie Art Studio.
The four-year vision of Bob Wolf, The Green Train Project, started in 2005, will educate the public and enlist global support to help reverse the continued waste and destruction of our planet. Scheduled to depart from Portland in April 2010, The Green Train, a solar-powered, biodiesel machine, will pass through every geographic region in the USA during a 10-week, 28-state whistle stop tour finishing in Washington, D.C. The Green Train is planning a trek in Europe in 2011 and a simultaneous train ride on each continent of the world each year after that. As The Green Train holds informational festivals and whistle stops throughout the nation, the public can meet the train in small town America, as well as the larger cities, to learn more and become involved. The messages on which Wolf's project focuses are:
• Everyone can make a positive difference to the future of the earth
• Being green is simple and saves money.
For more information, visit us at Green Train Project .
Tags: bob wolf, conservation, green train, green train project, President, united states