Green Train Project Ask Students to Conserve Computer-Generated Electricity

Green Train Project and founder Bob Wolf asks students to conserve computer-generated electricity.

The Green Train Project, founded by Bob Wolf, strives to conserve natural resources, such as the electricity often wasted on college campuses. The average college student spends about 240 hours a semester studying ( and in this technological age, almost all of that studying is probably done on a computer of some sort. Not to mention the hours the average co¬¬ed spends on Facebook, iTunes, Twitter, and other various sites on the internet. The bottom line is that where there is a college student, there is a laptop or desktop nearby.

While the widespread use of computers does save on paper, what is it doing with our electricity? The average computer can use anywhere between 65 to 250 watts (, with college enrollment across the country over 18 million (, that is 1 to 4 billion watts total. Sounds like a lot just to listen to the newest Jay-Z album while you make index cards, huh? Below are a few simple tips on what you can do to save the energy your computer uses.

1. Keep peripherals off. Out of the time you are actually on the computer, how often are you using the printer, scanner, mic, webcam, or anything else you may have plugged up and powered on? My guess is not often. A good rule of thumb is to keep it turned off, power on to use, and then power off when you are done using. This will save on wasted energy, as well as battery life, if any of your peripherals are wireless.

2. Enable sleep mode. Completely shutting your computer down while you take a 30-minute break to watch The Office and then restarting isn't ideal. But letting it run at full force isn't helpful either. A great solution is sleep mode. Sleep mode keeps programs running and websites active, while disabling the speakerphones, keyboard, and mouse. Sleep mode also turns off any screen saver to a blank display and dims all LEDs yet allowing for quick enabling and disabling. There usually is a short cut from the start menu for this mode.

3. Recycle when you upgrade. Getting a new computer can be exciting, while the old one gets thrown to the side. Whether the old one is in usable condition to hand downto little sis or completely destroyed and needs to be sent back to the manufacturer, make sure these devices are not ending up in a land fill. Most companies will include a package, or at least a location, where they use old parts to rebuild refurbs to sell at a discount or dispose of themselves environmentally.

Following these simple tips will help ease up on the Earth's energy and may help your electronics stay alive longer. None of the above are very time consuming, and if you are doing them every time you use your computer, soon they will be second nature.


The Green Train Project (, the four-year vision of Bob Wolf, started in 2005, will educate the public and enlist global support to help reverse the continued waste and destruction of our planet. Scheduled to depart from Portland in April 2010, The Green Train, a solar-powered, biodiesel machine, will pass through every geographic region in the USA during a 10-week, 28-state whistle stop tour finishing in Washington, D.C. The Green Train is planning a trek in Europe in 2011 and a simultaneous train ride on each continent of the world each year after that. As The Green Train holds informational festivals and whistle stops throughout the nation, the public can meet the train in small town America, as well as the larger cities, to learn more and become involved. The messages on which Wolf's project focuses are:
• Everyone can make a positive difference to the future of the earth
• Being green is simple and saves money.

For more information visit


Tags: bob wolf, conservation, green train, President, united states

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