Greening Your Office Made Eeasy

Green Office Week, also known by the acronym (GOW) is a national initiative launched last year, and now taking place in mid-April every year throughout workplaces in South Africa. Green Office Week aims to be an annual reminder to implement the thre

Green Office Week 2011 (April 18 to 21) coincides with Earth Day on April 22nd and is the ideal opportunity to get your office going green and eco-friendly while providing everyone a chance to commit and contribute.

To make the planning of activities for Green Office Week (also known by the acronym GOW) the organizers of the week offer you all the information you need as free toolkits downloadable from the website

Ana-Maria Valente, of Green Office Week says: "Following on last year's launch of this initiative, it's important this year to go a step further and provide practical ideas and tools with which to start or review your office's environment policies. We know that time is limited for most working people so the obvious thing to do is to make green office behaviours as easy as possible by providing samples of Action Plans that cover the key areas where everybody - from the tea lady to the executive suite - can start going green.

"The important thing is for as many office people as possible, throughout South Africa, to get involved. The theme for this year's week is Care 2B Green and we would like to motivate everyone to do something to earmark this week as one where you can feel that you can do something for our planet!"

Green Office Week in South Africa is endorsed by SACCI, AHI and IPM and supported by SAQI. The goodwill Ambassador is Prof Mervyn King, one of the world's most respected figures on sustainability issues.

Lead sponsor of GOW, Europcar's CEO Dawn Nathan-Jones, says: "Europcar is proud to be the lead sponsor of Green Office Week as we believe it can have a major and lasting impact on sustainable behaviour and green attitudes in private and public sector offices across South Africa.

"What we really want to get across is the message that the sustainability of our country and our planet is inextricably linked to the implementation of environmentally-friendly practices in the workplace and in our homes. It is a call to action and I challenge business leaders to rally their organisations and their employees to make a commitment, get involved and make a difference. Europcar has taken up the challenge in our offices and our change in behavior has made a marked impact on our business. "

For more about GOW or to download a toolkit, visit For tips and updates, follow GOW_SA on Twitter.


Tags: eco-friendly, green, office

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