GreenRoad's Solutions Receive 2016 Connected Transportation Award from IoT Evolution

GreenRoad Honored for Innovation and Excellence
GreenRoad Mobile

​​​​GreenRoad, the industry leader in driver safety and behaviour technology for enterprise fleets, today announced that its driver safety platform for mobile based workforces, GreenRoad Central and GreenRoad Mobile, have received a 2016 IoT Evolution Connected Transportation Award from IoT Evolution magazine, the leading publication covering IoT technologies.

The award honors organisations delivering services, software and hardware solutions that enable the advancement of connected devices. GreenRoad’s trusted platform delivers real-time, contextual driver safety directives along with traditional telematics capabilities to coach safer driving and keep safety managers, HR managers and fleet management professionals connected with their mobile workforce.

GreenRoad is honored to be recognized as a leader in IoT solutions for connected transportation. With over a decade helping fleets achieve safer, more connected driving, our platform is uniquely positioned to help enterprises and partners solve their core driving safety challenges for the new era of smart mobility.

Zeev Braude, CEO

GreenRoad’s platform monitors a wide range of driving manoeuvres, taking into account dynamic driving conditions such as time of day, weather, traffic and road conditions, and provides drivers with instant feedback to help them become safer drivers. The applications assign drivers a dynamic safety score to gamify driving and encourage ongoing engagement. Managers can access GreenRoad’s online coaching tools to see how team members are driving and identify drivers who may need additional coaching, improving the overall health and safety for entire fleets.

GreenRoad’s award-winning solution is proven to dramatically reduce driver errors and overall risk for organisations. The company also recently opened access to its underlying safety platform for development and engineering partners. The new open API and SDK allow connected car and smart mobility solution providers the ability to leverage GreenRoad’s powerful data and trusted algorithms to integrate the technology into their own applications.

“GreenRoad is honored to be recognized as a leader in IoT solutions for connected transportation,” GreenRoad Chief Executive Officer Zeev Braude said. “With over a decade helping fleets achieve safer, more connected driving, our platform is uniquely positioned to help enterprises and partners solve their core driving safety challenges for the new era of smart mobility.”

“The solutions selected for the IoT Evolution Connected Transportation Award exemplify excellence is creating and bringing to market solutions contributing to the fast-growing Internet of Things marketplace. It is my honor to congratulate GreenRoad for their innovative work and contribution to this rapidly evolving industry,” said Carl Ford, CEO of Crossfire Media, a co-publisher of IoT Evolution Magazine.

“It is my pleasure to recognize GreenRoad’s Mobile and Central apps, two innovative solutions that earned GreenRoad the 2016 IoT Evolution Connected Transportation Award,” said Rich Tehrani, CEO, TMC. “I look forward to seeing more innovation from GreenRoad in the future.”

About GreenRoad

GreenRoad, the pioneer in driver behavior technology, is delivering the backbone for the future of vehicle safety in the new era of intelligent mobility. For over a decade, GreenRoad’s connected vehicle solution has revolutionized the way commercial fleets drive by combining real-time, in-cab coaching with cloud-based contextual intelligence to make every business mile safer. GreenRoad’s IoT platform enables service providers to build zero-latency safety applications for connected vehicles and cities.

For more information about GreenRoad’s fleet management solutions, please visit

GreenRoad Contact

David Rodriguez
Chief Marketing Officer
[email protected]

Source: GreenRoad Technologies


Tags: Autonomous Car, Autonomous Vehicles, Connected Car, Connected Fleet, Fleet Management, IOT, Smart Mobility

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GreenRoad, the pioneer in driver behavior technology, is delivering the backbone for the future of vehicle safety in the new era of intelligent mobility.

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