Groundbreaking Clinical Study Shows Evidence That Xironetic's IntraOpVSP Augmented Reality System Reduces Blood Loss in Craniofacial Surgery

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Xironetic announced today the publication of data from a recent study evaluating the potential benefits of augmented reality guidance with Xironetic's IntraOpVSP system in patients undergoing craniofacial surgery. The results of this study - one of the first of its kind in the field of craniomaxillofacial surgery - were published in the leading peer-reviewed academic journal FACE founded by the American Society of Maxillofacial Surgeons (ASMS) and the American Society of Craniofacial Surgeons (ASCFS).

IntraOpVSP is an FDA-cleared system for augmented reality (AR) guidance that provides three-dimensional patient imaging data to the surgeon during surgery. In a retrospective cohort study, the amount of blood loss was compared between patients who received AR guidance in their surgery (n = 17) and patients who did not (n = 62). Analysis of calculated blood loss data from these cohorts indicated that AR guidance provided statistically significant blood loss reduction as measured by estimated red cell volume (ERCV), with an ERCV of 43.7% for the cohort with AR guidance and an ERCV of 61.9% for the cohort without (p 0.05). Additional benefits reported in the study were reduced sinus proximity bleeding, reduced dural injuries and reduced transfusion volumes.

"We are able to navigate around the multitude of blood vessels in the craniofacial area because we can visualize them more intuitively," said Dr. Christian El-Amm, Chief of Pediatric Plastic Surgery at Oklahoma Children's Hospital. "Our patients suffered less blood loss, and there was a trend towards fewer blood units transfused and less donor exposure. Larger multicenter studies are now underway to confirm and explore potential benefits towards patient safety."

The results from the study suggest that AR can increase surgical safety through reduced blood loss and sinus proximity bleeding during a craniotomy, promoting improved patient outcomes. Additional investigations are underway to confirm these results and further evaluate the benefits of AR guidance in craniofacial surgery.

About Xironetic

Xironetic (‘chiro-net-ik') is a privately held startup founded in 2021 with a focus on building augmented reality solutions for surgical guidance. The company's IntraOpVSP software combines augmented reality and computer vision to support complex surgical procedures and has been used in over 160 surgical cases to date. In 2022, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration cleared IntraOpVSP for use as an imaging device during surgery across a broad range of clinical indications. Follow our progress at and connect with us on LinkedIn.

Source: Xironetic


Tags: Augmented Reality, Clinical Research, Medical Devices, Surgery

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