Group Calls ECT Barbaric And A Gross Violation Of Human Rights

Electro shock now used in all psychiatric hospitals in BC and general hospitals with a psychiatric ward.

The Citizens Commission on Human rights has utterly condemned the use of electric shock on the brains of Canadian citizens calling it barbaric and a gross violation of human rights.

Psychiatrists are currently trying to con the population into believing that electroshock is not the bone-crunching procedure of some years ago and that the movie "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest" is not a true depiction of a normal psychiatric ward but this is nowhere near the truth. Electroshock still gets the same effect as hitting someone on the head with a sledge hammer and psychiatric wards are actually worse than depicted in "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest".

Electric shock creates memory loss and irreparable brain damage and is now being used in every psychiatric hospital and general hospital with a psychiatric ward in BC.

The number of shocks peaked in the year 2000 and its use has continued to increase along with its glowing reports when psychiatrists got a pay increase to $70.66 each time they pulled the switch.

The patient is injected with an anesthetic to block out pain and a muscle relaxant to shut down muscular activity and prevent spinal fractures.

Electrodes are placed on the temples bilaterally (from one side of the brain to the other) or unilaterally (front to back on one side of the brain).

A rubber gag is placed in the mouth to keep teeth from breaking or patients from biting their tongues.

Between 180 and 480 volts of electricity are sent searing through the brain.

To meet the brain's demand for oxygen, blood flow to the brain can increase as much as 400%. Blood pressure can increase 200%. Under normal conditions, the brain uses a blood-brain barrier to keep itself healthy against harmful toxins and foreign substances. With electroshock, harmful substances "leak" from blood vessels into the brain tissue, causing swelling. Nerve cells die. Cellular activity is altered. The physiology of the brain is altered.

The results are memory loss, confusion, loss of space and time orientation, brain damage and even death.

Most patients are given a total of six to 12 shocks, one a day, three times a week.

Dr. John Friedberg, a neurologist who researched the effects of ECT for over thirty years, stated, "It is very hard to put into words just what shock treatment does to people destroys people's ambition, and...their vitality. It makes people rather passive and apathetic....Besides the amnesia, the apathy and the lack of energy is, in my view, the reason that...[psychiatrists] still get away with giving it."

Brian Beaumont, President of the Vancouver chapter of CCHR said, "Ask the foremost psychiatrists and they have no explanation as to why or how their "treatment" "works". It is literally as scientific as sticking one's head in a light socket. Do it often enough and you will become disoriented, confused, lose your memory or even die. Same result as ECT".

The Citizens Commission on Human Rights was established by the Church of Scientology to investigate and expose psychiatric violations of human rights.


Tags: ect, electro convulsive therapy, electro-shock, psychiatrist, psychiatry

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Brian Beaumont
Press Contact, Citizens Commission on Human Rights