Growth Systems LLC Releases Free Search Engine App to Strengthen Consumer Buying Power
Online, March 10, 2011 ( - St Louis/St. Charles MO-Local firm Growth Systems LLC is proud to announce the release of it's Search Engine App (SEA), a free shopping app plug-in to your existing browser. The SEA grew from a vision of easier online price comparison that is intelligent and constantly improving with input from it's users.
The SEA app's primary function is SEA Price Compare, which allows consumers to go beyond normal search results and compare prices for the item they search for with thousands of sites instantly. The user is presented with the opportunity to increase their buying power by purchasing virtually any item at discount from the retail price.
Other SEA app functions include:
* SEA Travel Compare - Compare prices with the top online travel sites with one click and get real-time status of flights. Book travel, track and manage itineraries in real-time.
* SEA Hotel Compare - Browse and book from 100,000+ hotels worldwide. Search hotels by city, zip code, or GPS. Check live availability and rates instantly.
* SEA Book Compare - Search and compare prices for over a million titles of books, CDs, DVDs, and Blue-Ray.
This product in exceptionally easy to install and use. An install requires only a few clicks and inputting an install code that is provided during the process. Scott Greenwood, an associate of Growth Systems LLC, has established to assist in the distribution of this free tool.
Growth Systems LLC encourages any and all online shoppers to install and enjoy the SEA app for all of their online purchases, travel needs, hotel bookings, and multimedia needs. We will continue our mission of improving the financial lives and buying power for consumers everywhere.
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