GSA Award Schedule 70

Offsite Backups Named GSA Schedule 70 Vendor of Offsite Backups and Disaster Recovery Solutions for Federal Agencies

Contact: Kassie Smith, Offsite Backups, (888) 253 -4110,[email protected]

Offsite Backups Named GSA Schedule 70 Vendor of Offsite Backups and Disaster Recovery Solutions for Federal Agencies

Garden City, KS - Offsite Backups, a leader in secure backup and protected data solutions for business, education, healthcare, and government, proudly announces their addition by the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) to the approved vendor list as a provider of offsite backup, cloud and disaster recovery solutions.

Offsite Backups can be found under contract number GS-35F-0426Y where it is listed as pre-qualified to provide federal agencies with cloud backup, disaster backup, online data storage and offline data backup. Offsite Backups is classified in schedule 70, offsite backup, and special item number (SIN)132 52: electronic commerce and subscription services and special item number (SIN)132 100: Ancillary Supplies and/or Services. The approved products can also be purchased by state and local governments as part of disaster recovery and American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) purchases.

The schedule assignment allows Offsite Backups to provide its user-friendly software and backup services to federal agencies who are looking for a secure, offsite backup service or a disaster recovery/business continuity plan. Offsite Backups also offers exceptional IT consultation services, disaster recovery mentoring and private server management. Government customers who partner with OSB should always expect quality 24x7 customer support, reliable, affordable secure data management and peace of mind knowing they are never treated like a number but a partner in business.

"We strive for diligence and excellence in providing a reliable platform that ensures the protection of government agencies data." said Dean Bruhn, Offsite Backups, VP of Technology. "OSB supplies businesses with world-class service, superior customer support and a solid partnership in all their backup needs."

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Tags: backup, cloud backup, data backup, disaster recovery, offsite backup, secure server backup

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Peter Rebholz
Press Contact, Offsite Backups
Offsite Backups
2355 Highway 36 West
Suite 400
United States