Guest Post For Your Blog - Launching New Guest Blogging Website

Guest blogging is one of the most underutilized ways to promote a blog; to this end, is new platform that aims to facilitate the use of this search-engine -optimization technique by encouraging blog owners to simply publish their con

Guest blogging is one of the most underutilized ways to promote a blog; to this end, is new platform that aims to facilitate the use of this search-engine -optimization technique by encouraging blog owners to simply publish their content, and be paid for doing so.

Guest blogging is the publishing of content on a blog by a writer who doesn't own or operate the blog. It is a powerful way - in the eyes of the search engines - for experts to write content in their niche, and contribute to a fellow blogger's website by submitting this post for publication on their website. The "payment" for this content comes in the form of backlinks to the writer's own weblog. It is an especially powerful form of link-building; because it encourages quality content (badly-written posts will almost never be published on another person's blog; unlike article directories, where poorly-written articles abound).

Link-building is the crux of SEO (search engine optimization). It is the process by which a webmaster hopes to get her website traffic in the form of human visitors, in order to inform an audience, pitch a product, or other form of interaction. The general form that link-building takes is to interact or contribute in some way to a site - often the subject is similar to the originating site; but not always - and then leave a link on that site pointing back to the originating site. The search engines view this link, and rate the originating website higher by a degree that depends on the quality of the site to which it linked. The most popular methods of link-building are blog commenting and article marketing. Blog commenting is becoming drastically more difficult due to spamming, and article directories are generally turning out poorer and poorer content. Guest blogging is most similar to article marketing, minus the poorly-written content, in that it provides links back to an originating website, and by its very nature, encourages quality content. intends to make the prospect of guest blogging even more attractive by offering to pay webmasters to publish their content onsite. This provides essentially three benefits in the area of link-building: direct backlinks to the originating blog, which causes search engines to rank the contributor's blog higher in the search engine results pages, direct human traffic as a result of the exposure of the well-written content, and payment for services. In this way, will also encourage higher-quality content on average than other avenues of obtaining backlinks.


Tags: article marketing, guest author, guest blogging, guest posts, guest writer, inbound link building


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