Guildford Hens Meeting for Coffee.
Online, November 30, 2010 ( - Hens Dancing, ( a unique new membership club designed for women looking to enhance their social networks in towns across the South East, held a coffee morning on Saturday (27th November) to attract new members to the Guildford group.
The founder of Hens Dancing, Gill Buchanan spoke to Guildford women about the value in social networking locally, particularly for those who have recently moved to the area, or simply find they want to indulge in some 'me time' with like- minded women.
"We took over the conservatory at Strada and certainly kept the staff busy as the women, who had not known each other previously, chatted and laughed away like old friends. They were all very keen to find out more about the club, and many of them confirmed that they were attracted to the thought of meeting with other 'hens' to enjoy activities like lunch clubs, theatre trips, wine tastings and pampering evenings", adds Gill Buchanan.
Also there were the Guildford group hosts, Penny Lyon and Joyce Amberton who along with Gill lead a group discussion on what types of activities they wanted to do in the months to come which included theatre trips, wine tastings and Supper Clubs.
What was particularly interesting was the number of women from across the board, from those working from home, who felt isolated and wanted to engage with other women, to those who felt their partners or husbands, simply did not enjoy some of the more female focussed activities, and those who were not quite ready to join the Women's Institute (WI)" continues Gill.
Many of the prospects went away buzzing with information on Hens Dancing, the benefits of membership and the latest concept of the travel in twos scheme proved very popular amongst the attendees. The travel in twos scheme is designed to match Hens Dancing members in the same area and put them in touch so they can car share when they go to meetings. This also works for the theatre trips up to London where women can travel on the train together.
Two hours of caffeine later 'the hens' left looking forward to the next meeting, the Christmas Supper Club on the 9th December at The Refectory, Godalming.
More information on the Guildford Coffee Morning is available on the website, to women who take out a Free Trial Membership.
For more press information, please contact Parm Evans on 07501 462045 or email at [email protected].
Notes to Editors
• Gill Buchanan is the founder of Hens Dancing ( and set up the business in 2008. Hens' Dancing offers women a membership based social network in Surrey and Kent and is rapidly expanding to other regions across the UK.
About Gill Bentham
Sensing a gap in the market Gill Buchanan set up „Hens Dancing‟ to provide a face-to-face social networking group for women who want more out of life. Gill has a BA honours degree in Business Studies and is a qualified life coach. Having escaped the rat race and pollution of London to live in Kent, she moved to a tranquil village near Tunbridge Wells, which encouraged her to reflect on life's priorities, which led to the Hens Dancing concept.
It was a stint at Friends Reunited that sparked Gill's passion for the worldwide web and the opportunities it brings, particularly as a platform for social networking. Gill is combining her knowledge of the web and extensive experience in marketing to take Hens Dancing forward.
Tags: coffee, guildford, leisure, social networking, women