Guyana Tourism Authority Releases 2016 Top 10 Must-See Birds in Guyana, South America

The most sought after, exotic, and distinctive birds of Guyana, South America are included among the top birds to see and add to a birding bucket list in this remote, emerging eco-tourist destination.

​The Guyana Tourism Authority kicks off the New Year by announcing the Top 10 Must-See Birds of 2016. The newly created list highlights Guyana as one of the top birding destinations with more than 878 species of birds from 79 different families that could be seen across Guyana’s pristine and untouched rainforest. As South America’s biggest little secret and emerging eco-tourist destination, the 2016 list goes beyond Guyana’s most known and highly sought after birds – Guianan Cockof-the-rock, Scarlet Ibis, Guianan Red Cotinga, Capuchinbird, and Harpy Eagle – and spotlights exotic, rare, and distinctively beautiful birds that would be a good addition to any birder’s bucket list.

Although there are no bird species that have been found to be endemic to Guyana, on the 2016 list are birds that are uncommon, threatened, near endemic, and/or distinctive to the Guiana Shield, which is nearly 2 billion years old and is considered to be the earth’s oldest surface. Whether by boat, small aircraft, or 4x4, the birds can be spotted at some of the top birding hotspots across Guyana, including Kaieteur National Park, Iwokrama Forest, Rupununi River, Essequibo Region, along the coastline areas, and in the capital of Georgetown.

Nature lovers, adventure seekers, and avid birders alike are invited to explore this birding treasure and wilderness paradise and check off birds sighted on the Top 10 Must-See Birds of 2016 list. It’s also a great opportunity to enjoy wildlife spotting for jaguars, giant river otters, red howler monkeys, giant anteaters, and other species found in Guyana. The 2016 list includes the following birds:

1) Blood-colored Woodpecker – This species in the Picidae family is near endemic and confined only to the Guianan countries, including Guyana, and tends to remain discreet staying low to the grow and not as vocal.

2) Sun Parakeet – With fewer than 2,000 birds thought to survive in the wild, this highly sought after brightly colored endangered parrot is highly social and noted for its loud squawking.

3) Red Siskin – Once thought to be extinct until researchers discovered several thousand red siskins in Guyana for the first time in 2000, Guyana is one of the only few places where this endangered small, red and black finch can be found and recognized for its high-pitched chitter. The Red Siskin can usually be found along the Rupununi savannas.

4) Toco Toucan – Known for being the largest in the toucan family, the Toco Toucan is easily spotted with its strikingly beautiful bright yellow-orange bill that can grow from six to nine inches in length. As poor fliers, this species can be spotted hopping from tree to tree or by its loud call and chatter. This species is endemic to the Guiana Shield.

5) White-Winged Potoo – Known for being elusive but can be heard from afar, this Nyctibiidae species is often spotted perched high up top at the Canopy Walkway at Iwokrama.

6) Dusky Purpletuft – This poorly known species is said to be uncommon but isn’t threatened for population decline.

7) Bearded Tachuri – The vast savanna of The Rupununi is where this Tyrannidae species is likely to be found. However, the species is near threatened due to habitat loss.

8) Crimson Fruitcrow – A large striking cotinga with thick, dark red beaks, this uncommon species has been sighted at the Canopy Walkway at Iwokrama.

9) Orange-Breasted Falcon – The status of this falcon is unknown and is near threatened. It can be spotted at Kaieteur National Park, one of the highest free falling waterfalls in the world.

10) Crestless Curassow – As the name implies, this Curassow can be identified because it has no crest. It is near threatened and can be found in The Rupununi.

To learn more about Guyana’s birding hotspots and why this destination is such an undiscovered gem and a nature lover’s treasure, visit the Guyana Tourism Authority at


Tags: adventure travel, birding, Guyana South America, tourism, wanderlust

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