H-II: Stephen Michael Apatow - UN Top Global Thinkers 2010

Summary: Founder of the Humanitarian Resource Institute and United Nations Arts Initiative, also known as H-II or the Humanitarian Intervention Initiative.

His name is Stephen Michael Apatow, [1] founder of the Humanitarian Resource Institute and United Nations Arts Initiative. He is also known as H-II or the Humanitarian Intervention Initiative. Behind the scenes, global leaders and research journalists embrace his clear identification of the humanitarian crisis issue, coordination of experts background discussion groups for analysis, peer reviewed research compilation and direct communication to the decision making level for real time conflict/crisis resolution and policy development. Today, Humanitarian Resource Institute communication networks [2] reach:

* newspaper, radio and television, corporate, intergovernmental, non-governmental, United Nations, community action and interfaith organizations in approximately 195 countries.
* grassroots networks (household level), corporate, municipal, state and federal government, community action and interfaith organizations in approximately 3100 United States Counties.

In the context of the global mission objective of Humanitarian Resource Institute and youth leadership development, the focus is reduplication and support of advocacy based communication on the grassroots, state, intergovernmental level in 192 United Nations member countries.

As director of research and development, Stephen Michael Apatow's recognition as a UN Top Global Thinker is best recognized by its classification of Humanitarian Resource Institute by the the National Academy of Sciences as one of nine leading educational and research institutions, in the publication "Biological Threats and Terrorism, Assessing the Science and Response Capabilities: Workshop Summary: [3]

* Center for Nonproliferation Studies.
* Columbia University: Center for Public Health Preparedness.
* Harvard University John F. Kennedy School of Government: Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs.
* Humanitarian Resource Institute.
* Johns Hopkins University: Center for Civilian Biodefense Studies.
* Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Center for International Studies.
* National Academy of Sciences.
* University of Maryland: Center for International and Security Studies at Maryland.
* University of Minnesota: Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy.

For an overview of current policy initiatives and background discussions facilitated by Humanitarian Resource Institute and the United Nations Arts Initiative, please visit: http://www.unarts.org/news


1. Stephen M. Apatow: Founder of Humanitarian Resource Institute and the United Nations Arts Initiative. Url: www.apatow.org
2. Pathobiologics International - The Consulting Arm of Humanitarian Resource Institute and the Humanitarian University Consortium: Humanitarian Resource Institute. Url: http://www.pathobiologics.org/groundzero.html
3. Biological Threats and Terrorism, Assessing the Science and Response Capabilities: Workshop Summary: National Academy of Sciences. Url: books.nap.edu/books/0309082536/html/234.html#pagetop


Tags: Crisis UN, FAO, NGO, OCHA, OIE, Poverty, Reliefnet, UNHCR, WHO

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Stephen M. Apatow
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