H3 Concepts Sets Ambitious Goals for 2016

H3 Concepts' President outlined the firm's goals for the new year. He also discussed the company's potential for growth and a hiring initiative that will help accommodate expansion.

​​Company leaders at H3 Concepts are ready to make 2016 a record-breaking year for the company and for the brands it represents. Jonathan, the firm’s President, stated, “We closed out 2015 with a ton of momentum, and we don’t want to lose steam now that 2016 is underway. It is time for H3 Concepts to pursue more aggressive goals than ever before, and our whole team is ready for the challenges that lie ahead.”

Expanding into new markets will be a major point of emphasis for H3 Concepts in the coming year. The President commented, “We have identified a few rapidly growing regions to enter in the near future, and I can’t wait to see what our associates accomplish once our new offices are up and running. It’s definitely an exciting time to be part of our team, and I know the brands we represent will also reap big rewards from our continued growth.”

"There is no point in standing still as a professional,"

Jonathan, President

Constant learning and improvement are also key goals for 2016 at H3 Concepts. “There is no point in standing still as a professional,” Jonathan noted. “Our team members understand that well, and they are always striving to learn new concepts and stay updated on industry trends. Just as we are always setting new and aggressive goals for revenues and customer acquisition, our people commit themselves to ongoing education and skill building.”

H3 Concepts’ President Elaborates on Hiring Push

Jonathan and the rest of the H3 Concepts leadership team understand that their high benchmarks for growth in 2016 will necessitate additional talent. “Our team is remarkably talented and innovative as it is,” the President stated. “We need to identify candidates who can match those qualities as we turn our 2016 objectives into thriving realities.”

The President is looking for skilled collaborators during the hiring initiative. Company leaders have worked hard to cultivate an atmosphere of teamwork. “As dynamic as our associates are as individuals, they achieve incredible results when they combine their talents,” Jonathan added. “It is crucial that we identify strong team players as we add to our core of passionate performers. The H3 Concepts workplace is powered by collaboration, and those with lone-wolf tendencies would find it tough to thrive.”

About H3 Concepts

H3 Concepts is an innovative full-service consulting and marketing firm dedicated to helping clients expand their reach by tapping into new and cutting-edge markets. Utilizing unique communication channels and strategies based on analysis of geographic areas and consumer demographics, the firm’s executives provide branding that reaches a wider range of customers with immediate results. H3 Concepts manages the branding for a diverse portfolio of clients, from start-ups to Fortune 500 clients, because of the flexibility and adaptability of its promotional platform. Visit H3 Concepts at h3-concepts.com to learn more about the innovative marketing services they provide.

Source: H3 Concepts


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