Haftar's Oil Squeeze Hurts Trump in 2020

Gotham Government Relations Says Haftar's Oil Squeeze Will Hurt Trump 2020

According to a representative of Libya’s Government of National Accord, “The enemies of the UN-backed government are not only hurting the Libyan people, now they are hurting the re-election prospects of President Donald Trump.”

Barely two weeks into the closure of Libya’s oilfields by renegade warlord Khalifa Haftar, backed by outside powers including Russia, France and the United Arab Emirates, has reduced output from over one million barrels per day to less than 300,000, at an estimated loss of over $500 million to date.

“Libya has the largest oil reserves in Africa, and is in the top ten worldwide,” said Brad Gerstman. “At full production, which the Trump administration has set as a goal, Libya could become the stable and prosperous democracy its people want, and it could be a major partner and investor for the United States. But with Haftar and his foreign backers strangling the country, none of the international agreements or United Nations directives seem to matter.” Gerstman is a founding partner of Gotham Government Relations & Communications, which has previously represented the Trump Organization and currently represents the UN-recognized GNA in the United States.

“Beyond impoverishing the people of a nation rich in energy resources, the further shutdown of Libya’s oil output contributes to higher prices at the pump for the average American. And it holds back what could be a major boost to the U.S. economy in this election year. Libya should be spending billions on American products and services, which can drive up the value of key stocks like Boeing. Instead, Libyans suffer while we allow our competitors and allies to drive a conflict and humanitarian disaster for their own advantage. If President Trump steps up and steps in today, he will deserve every additional vote it gets him in November.”

This material is distributed by Gotham Government Relations & Communications on behalf of the Government of National Accord Libya. Additional information is available at the Department of Justice, Washington, DC.

Source: Gotham Government Relations


Tags: Libya, Oil, Trump