Halloween Hollow Returns for 10th Year

Tricks, Treats & Treasures Designed to Scare Up Free Family Fun in Downtown Reno's Riverwalk District.

There will be Halloween family entertainment and free trick-or-treating for children during the Halloween Weekend. Guys, ghouls, and ghosts will scare up some wicked fun in downtown Reno’s Riverwalk District on Saturday, Oct 27, from 5-7 p.m. during the 10th annual Riverwalk Merchants Halloween Hollow event. Families with children of all ages can participate for free and the event will begin in the Reno City Plaza in downtown Reno, with an official Halloween proclamation at 6:45 p.m.

Not only will costumed candy-seeking youngsters get a “treasure map” where they’ll find sweet treats at participating Riverwalk District merchant shops on Saturday, Oct. 27, but they’ll probably run into guys and ghouls in spooky costumes along the way. Live music and entertainment located in the city plaza offered in partnership with The City of Reno.

For more details on the Riverwalk District’s Tricks, Treats & Treasures or to download the “Treasure Map” to merchant candy stations, visit www.renoriver.org. Maps will be available at the main Riverwalk booth Pignic and Blind Dog Tavern the day of the event and available online by Oct. 15, 2018.

Contact Information

Call 775-825-WALK (775-825-9255), email info@renoriver.org or visit www.renoriver.org for more information.

Source: Riverwalk Merchants Association


Tags: downtown, halloween, halloween hollow, nevada, party, reno, riverwalk, travel

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Take a stroll along the Riverwalk and savor Reno's exciting urban renaissance. You'll find shopping, restaurants, bars and taverns, entertainment, lodging, a whitewater park - all in a safe, fun, friendly area that celebrates Reno's culture.