Hangover Recovery Shot - Could Save the US Economy Hundreds of Billions!

Hangover Recovery Shot to be Released By Hangover Joe's Get Up & Go in early 2011 in stores in the USA!

Hangover Joe's Get Up & Go -Hangover Recovery Shot is the new hangover relief product which could save the American economy and its consumers hundreds of billions in coming years, said the makers of Hangover Joe's Get Up & Go. Each year, alcohol abuse costs the United States an estimated $185 billion, according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Almost half, a whopping $88 billion comes from lost productivity, a combination of morning after hangovers and other alcohol-related diseases.
Well now there's a solution and it's called Hangover Joe's Get Up & Go, it's a new product aimed at helping relieve the sysmptoms of a hangovers and it's launching nationally in the USA early in 2011.

"We believe our product can help people get out of bed and to work on time, hence the name Hangover Joe's Get Up & Go. Our test marketing in four states have shown overwhelmingly positive results; retailers and consumers alike have really taken to the product. We believe once our product is available nationwide to the consumers and they have the advantage of waking up and can relieve their hangover , a significant decrease in workplace absenteeism, lost productivity and cost on the US economy is not unlikely. A decrease of only 25 percent per year in the $88 billion cost could potentially see the US economy save over $100 billion in the next five years", said the Directors of Hangover Joe's Get Up & Go - Hangover Recovery Shot.

This hangover reliever comes in a 2 fl oz shot. When taken as directed it provides hangover relief, the formula helps the consumers relieve hangovers the morning after drinking. The Hangover Joe's Recovery Shot is being dubbed the "Morning After Hangover Shot." The Hangover Recovery Shot is scheduled to be available in the USA early 2011, Directors of Hangover Joe's Get Up & Go and self-proclaimed "Kings of the hangover relief market" believe the launch starting in the US and their expansion throughout the rest of the world in the coming years will set the benchmark in the hangover relief market, and the self-proclaimed "Kings of the hangover relief market"believe this will make Hangover Joe's Get Up & Go the biggest hangover relief brand in the world, like RedBull & 5 Hour Energy is for the energy drink market.

In the event that experts make the assumption that Hangover Joe's Get Up & Go recovery shot is encouraging people to drink a lot of alcohol in the mistaken view they can cure a hangover. Hangover Joe's Get Up & Go response to that is we dont cure anything, we relieve the sysmptoms of a hangover "it does not promote irresponsible drinking. Our product, Hangover Joe's Get Up & Go, is for responsible Americans who want to have a good time without the dreaded hangover, not for out of control drinkers who abuse alcohol. We actually encourage people to try our product personally before they jump to conclusions like its don't work, said the Directors of Hangover Joe's Get Up & Go. For more information on the new hangover recovery shot go to the companies website If you are a distributor or a retailer and you're interested in sellling the new hangover shot please email the company at [email protected] Hangover Joe's Get Up & Go - Hangover Recovery Shot - Get it & Get Over It! For information on the Hangover Recovery Shots please contact them at the Hangoverjoes website.


Tags: cure hangover, cures for hangovers, hangover cure, hangover cures, hangover medicine, hangover recovery, hangover recovery shots, hangover relief, hangover reliever, hangover remedies, hangover remedy, hangover shots, hangovers

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Shawn Adamson
Press Contact, Hangover Joe's Get Up & Go
Hangover Joe's Get Up & Go
391 NW State Ave
Chehalis, WA 98532
United States