Happy Fix® Announces Leap Into Happy Challenge
Apex, NC, February 8, 2016 (Newswire.com) - Happy Fix® (www.happyfix.com), giving people the knowledge and nudges to live a happier life, has announced its Leap into Happy Challenge.
Participants pledging to use social media in a positive manner throughout the 29 days of February will be automatically registered for a drawing to win a Happy Pack of fun Happy Fix “nudges” such as apparel and accessories.
“People understand how awful cyberbullying is, but they don’t stop and think about the harmful mental health effects of the more passive negativity that goes on in general on social media,” Stacy Menzies, company founder and Chief Happbassador said.
“Conversely, by simply focusing on making social media a more positive experience, people bring joy to themselves as well as their personal and professional circles of influence like friends, family, and co-workers,” she added.
According to Menzies, social media usage continues to grow; the respected Pew Research Center reports that 65 percent of American adults -- nearly two-thirds of the adult population -- now use social networking sites, representing a nearly tenfold increase over the past ten years. As more people use social media, the number of them being affected in negative ways also increases. Studies like one at the University of Michigan point to heavy social media users being more unhappy than those who spend less time on social media sites. Over time, these same heavy users reported lower overall satisfaction in their lives. Other studies have shown that over half of users of social media sites have not only changed their behavior, but they’ve changed it in a negative way, experiencing things like lower self-esteem, less connection to others and fewer positive emotions.
“We’re not saying don’t use social media sites like Facebook and Twitter; they’re obviously fun, great ways for staying in touch and up-to-date on things if used properly. What we’re trying to get people to do is avoid the temptation to get sucked-into negativity that sometimes permeates postings, comments and tweets,” Menzies explained.
Participants in the Leap into Happy Challenge are asked to read and electronically sign a “Leap into Positivity Pledge” on HappyFix.com and include the hashtag #HPYCHALLENGE with their posts and tweets to help spread the happy. In return, they will be registered to win a drawing in early March for a Happy Pack consisting of one piece of Happy Fix apparel, HPY Magnet, and either a Blast of Sunshine KOOZIE®, Adult Sippy Cup or HPY Mug.
The Leap into Happy Challenge is one of the knowledge pieces Happy Fix is rolling-out in 2016 to help people improve their lives and the lives of those around them. These educational challenges, events, and programming are supported by inspirational and informative blog posts and other outreach efforts like the Triangle Happy Fix Meetup Group to continue to fill the ranks of Happiness Ambassadors or “Happbassadors” who use positive thinking and focused action to share the company’s message that happy feels good.
More information and Happy Fix is available online at www.happyfix.com.
About Happy Fix®
Headquartered in Money Magazine’s No. 1 place to live in the U.S., Apex, N.C., Happy Fix® is North Carolina’s happiest startup giving people the knowledge and nudges to live a happier life. Our programming, products, social media, and events serve as a reminder that happiness is a choice that’s always within reach. Get your Happy Fix today at www.happyfix.com.
Tags: contest, facebook, happiness, prizes, twitter