Happy Independence Day! Big Tent Jobs Celebrates the Supreme Court Action on the Affordable Care Act

People with disabilities will have easier access to health insurance so they will be able to focus their attention on getting the jobs they need and deserve.

Big Tent Jobs, LLC applauds the recent Supreme Court decision to uphold the Affordable Care Act. The bill gives millions of job-ready people with disabilities the opportunity to purchase quality health insurance at a reasonable price.

"For far too long, talented people with disabilities or chronic conditions have had to make a difficult and unfair choice: either impoverish themselves to qualify for Medicaid to cover their health needs, or secure meaningful employment but risk an expensive and potentially physically and financially devastating health care incident," said Adam Kaplan, Founder and CEO of Big Tent Jobs, LLC, a leading technical recruiter for talented professionals, including people with disabilities.

"Now, gifted technical professionals with disabilities or chronic conditions, including IT Directors, Software Engineers, Mechanical Engineers, Accountants and Financial Analysts, can concentrate on the work they do to make our companies achieve the profitable growth that makes the U.S. economy stronger," continued Mr. Kaplan.

The Affordable Care Act, which will be binding on all 50 States, will go into law in 2014. Many efforts to bring health insurance providers and payers, companies as well as state governments into compliance have already begun and will now accelerate.

For Dave, a talented IT Project Manager, this means that he can avoid going on disability to cover treatments for his learning disabilities (ADD) and instead find a fulfilling job in his field.

Big Tent Jobs, LLC is a Michigan-based recruiting company which places skilled and college-educated professionals, including those with hidden and visible disabilities, in positions at leading companies and organizations. Big Tent Jobs matches the most talented candidates with hiring managers who are committed to meeting and exceeding their business objectives. Visit http://bigtentjobs.com to learn more.


Tags: Affordable Care Act, hidden and visible disabilities, people with disabilities, skilled professionals, Technical Recruiter

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