Harley Hosts Traveling Vet Memorial
Online, May 6, 2011 (Newswire.com) - The Traveling Veterans Memorial is paying a very special visit to the Official Lexington Harley Davidson Shop located at 2073 Bryant Road, 859-253-2461 on Sunday. A special event for veterans everywhere, the approximately 150 motorcycle riders will visit Mr. James Bentley and the Harley Crew.
Jim has graciously allowed Veterans Outreach's Don Hall to collect donations on behalf of the organizaion noted for providing emergency funding, basic life needs, advocacy aand information for vets nationwide.
Mr. Prasad Kaza of BackYardBurgers in Hamburg (beside Saul Good and Chase bank) has extended an open invitation to the Mothers Day Riders and praises our vets and allows donations at each of the Lexington locations Hamburg, on Waller and in Louisville, KY.
The Lexingon Marriott Courtyard is offering the riders very special stayover rates, thank you Randy!Those rates may apply across the board check with Randy 1951 Pleasant Ridge Drive, Lexington, KY. 859-263-9090
We are honored to have Harley Davidson of Lexington host the Traveling Veterans Memorial riders and give a big shout out to James Bentley for Harley support of our local veterans and numerous local and statewide charitable efforts! Thanks!
Tags: BackYardBurgers, Harley Davidson, Marriott Courtyard, Traveling Vet Memorial, Veterans Outreach