Harper Pierce & Co. Announces New Clients and More Growth

The Harper Pierce & Co. managers announced that the interactive marketing firm will be adding a new brand to their portfolio. In addition, two new team members have joined the firm in human resources roles ahead of more hiring.

“We are in full growth mode right now,” exclaimed Harper Pierce & Co.’s president. “Between adding a new brand and new team members, we’re also gearing up to attract new talent from the recent pool of college graduates.”

The president noted that the firm recently signed a company in the retail industry and telecommunications field. As a result of this growth, she announced that Harper Pierce & Co. will be hiring for sales and marketing positions. To assist with this task, two new team members were recently appointed to human resources roles. These team members will be scouting for and recruiting new talent to fill the open positions.

"We're actively seeking professionals who are motivated and goal oriented,"

“We’re actively seeking professionals who are motivated and goal oriented,” the president stated. “Specifically, we’re looking for positive people who enjoy challenges and have a thirst for learning. A huge part of this job is working with consumers and representing brands. Therefore, we need enthusiastic individuals who have outstanding interpersonal skills and are able to connect with others.”

According to the president, extensive experience is not necessary because the firm provides intensive training to all new hires. “We work closely with our new associates to help them fully understand our methods and develop innovative campaigns,” she said. “At Harper Pierce & Co., part of our mission is to make sure everyone has the resources to succeed.”

Harper Pierce & Co. Managers Describe Internship Program

In addition to hiring new team members, the president announced that Harper Pierce & Co. will also be welcoming people to join their internship program. “We have a great program for interns that will help them gain hands-on experience in dynamic marketing methods,” she said. “We urge college students and recent graduates to apply.”

The president indicated that this program is designed to allow interns an opportunity to practice the skills they’ve acquired in the classroom setting. “This is not one of those programs where the interns are merely there to observe or fetch copies,” she explained. “This is practical experience that can be added to a portfolio. Our interns go through training similar to our new hires. They get lots of guidance and feedback.”

“If someone is interested in the sales and marketing field, this the industry to enter,” the president concluded. “As more brands turn to dynamic marketing, the needs for talented individuals will continue to grow. It’s a great career.”

For more information on how to apply, visit the firm’s website at harperpierce.com.

About Harper Pierce & Co.

Harper Pierce & Co.’s approach to marketing is simple: bring clients together with consumers in a dynamic fashion. The firm’s outreach campaigns are immersed into the consumer experience to promote front-of-mind consciousness and interaction with the brands they represent. Equipped with the most up-to-date market research and demographic trends, their branding specialists efficiently and consistently deliver measurable results. The firm’s track record for success is based on their ability to build consumer bases fast and deliver a high return on investment. Through meticulous planning and teamwork, Harper Pierce & Co. consistently exceeds expectations.


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Harper Pierce & Co. is an experiential marketing company that's proud to offer innovative campaigns that help established and fledgling entrepreneurs to get their products into teeming trading spaces.

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