HarperRobins Publishers Announces the Release of Breaking Codependency

Noted author Dr. Lesly Devereaux's book is projected to be a top seller.

Dr. Lesly Devereaux has released her long awaited book, Breaking Codependency: How to Navigate the Traps That Sabotage Your Life. She celebrated with a Book Launch Soirée, Friday, September 26, 2014 at the Essex Sports Café, 18 Green Street, Newark, NJ.

Coming on the heels of her rise from a major fall, Dr. Lesly is extremely transparent with the readers as she shares her experience and perspective on breaking codependency. She pulls no punches, offering readers a unique and practical guide to self-discovery and authentic living, free from the traps of codependency. She shares that her family life played a major role in her personal struggle with enabling as well as her triumph over self-acceptance, forgiveness and resilience. What differentiates her book from other books on this topic is the reader is brought into the life of the author as she navigates being incarcerated, while reflecting on the enabling behaviors that put her there in the first place. The book is full of great advice and elaborates on Dr.Lesly’s tried and tested methods.

John Filimon, Senior Producer Dr. Oz Show says, “With her new book, Dr. Lesly literally reinvents the self-help genre. Breaking Codependency: How to Navigate the Traps that Sabotage Your Life is an exhilarating page-turner with all the grit of a thrilling suspense novel. This autobiographical journey kept me on the edge of my seat, while offering concrete solutions to the pitfalls of codependency and enabling. Its uplifting, inspirational message makes it a must read for women everywhere.

At her book Launch Dr. Lesly read her favorite passages, answered questions, and autographed books, which were available for purchase. Attorney Paulette Brown, President-Elect of the American Bar, was the Mistress of Ceremonies for the evening. Light refreshments.

Dr.Lesly Devereaux is a graduate of Rutgers University with a Bachelor of Arts degree. She earned her Juris Doctorate from Howard University School of Law, and both her Masters and Doctor of Ministry from New Brunswick Theological Seminary.

Breaking Codependency: How to Navigate the Traps that Sabotage Your Life, is available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble in paperback and Kindle.

Source: http://www.amazon.com/Dr.-Lesly-Devereaux/e/B00OR1NL5E


Tags: Books, Lesly Devereaux, Lesly Devereaux NJ

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Dr. Lesly is a CEO & Founder of Accelerate Your Life Today a personal and professional development firm.