Harris Seeds announces the launch of their new blog!

Now readers can follow up on all things related to Harris Seeds, by viewing entries on their official blog site.

Richard Chamberlin, president of Harris Seeds in Rochester, New York, has created the company's very first blog in February 2010. According to Chamberlin, the company has a rich tradition in history, and he wants to share this information with his readers. Chamberlin also noted that there is a wealth of happenings that go on behind the scenes, and the general public has little knowledge for what makes a seed company tick. Each week, viewers will be able to learn some very interesting things about Harris Seeds that go way back to 1879. The past, present and future will be reflected through this ongoing series of commentaries.

The blog can be accessed from the company web site at www.harrisseeds.com, and readers will have an opportunity to submit comments at the end of each post.

About Harris Seeds
The Harris Seeds company began its catalog operation in 1879. It evolved from the efforts of Joseph Harris, an English immigrant who became extremely successful in the selection of superior strains of vegetables and grains.

Joseph Harris settled in the Genesee Valley Region of Western New York in the 1850's. His success as a seedsman led to the beginning of Harris Seeds in 1879. The company became widely popular because of his basic business philosophy - "offer my customers a quality product at a fair price and they will return." Harris Seeds is an active member of the American Seed Trade Association, the National Garden Bureau and the Mail-order Gardening Association.


Tags: garden blog, Harris Seeds, home garden

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