Hastings & Hastings Encourages Individuals to Follow Through on New Year's Resolutions

Staying true to a difficult New Year's resolution can be one of the hardest things for an individual to do. True change is hard to affect. However, Hastings & Hastings notes that meeting success with a New Year's resolution is one of the most rewarding feelings in the world. Each year Hastings & Hastings resolves to tirelessly defend the rights of accident victims, and each year Hastings & Hastings meets with success.

The individuals at Hastings & Hastings are familiar with the intoxicating power of the blank slate. The turn of the year represents a chance to start over new. A chance to do things right. Man individuals use this as an excuse to make a resolution to change one small aspect of their life or to reaffirm and reemphasize an existing character trait. Hastings & Hastings believes that this is commendable and respectable thing to do.

Hastings & Hastings further notes the difficult that can be associated with choosing a New Year’s resolution. Achieving success and accomplishing said resolution is yet more difficult still. Hastings & Hastings advises that one of the best ways to successfully make and accomplish a New Year’s resolution is to set attainable and realistic goals.

"I think New Year's resolutions are fantastic, commendable things. Self-improvement should always be encouraged. Whether you are resolving to reduce your stress, become more active, eat better, or to quit smoking, we wish you all the success in the world. If you are resolving to save money, then you should come to Hastings & Hastings for any personal injury issues that may arise over the course of the year,"

Dave Hastings, Founder

Surveys on the effectiveness of New Year’s resolutions show that individuals meet with success approximately 23 percent of the time. Hastings & Hastings is committed to seeing this percentage rise dramatically. According to data gathered by the Statistic Brain Research Institute, most New Year’s resolutions are abandoned between 2-3 months after the turn of the year. Individuals who keep their resolutions passed this point often meet with success. Hastings & Hastings notes that the most important months in terms of keeping a New Year’s resolution are February and March. Individuals would be well served to redouble their commitments during this period of time to keep from falling off.

“I think New Year’s resolutions are fantastic, commendable things. Self-improvement should always be encouraged. Whether you are resolving to reduce your stress, become more active, eat better, or to quit smoking, we wish you all the success in the world. If you are resolving to save money, then you should come to Hastings & Hastings for any personal injury issues that may arise over the course of the year,” said David Hastings, the founder of Hastings & Hastings.

About Hastings & Hastings

Hastings & Hastings is an Arizona consumer law firm. We are an experienced trial law firm that represents personal injury and wrongful death victims at a Discount Fee.

Contact Information

Kristy Guell
(480) 706-1100
[email protected]


Tags: accident injury lawyers phoenix, lawyers phoenix, phoenix accident lawyers, phoenix personal injury attorny

About Hastings and Hastings

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Hastings & Hastings is an Arizona consumer law firm. We are an experienced trial law firm that represents personal injury and wrongful death victims at a Discount Fee.

Kristy Guell
Press Contact Hastings and Hastings
Hastings and Hastings
5505 W Chandler Blvd
Chandler, AZ 85226