Hastings & Hastings Offers Safe Driving Tips

​Hastings & Hastings acknowledged we all have room for improvement. No one wins 100% of the cases they litigate, no one shoots 100 percent from the free throw line, and no one even comes close to batting .500. Unfortunately, very few people go through their entire life without a single traffic incident.

With that in mind, Hastings & Hastings encourages everyone to try to get better, and to that end, they offer a few safe driving tips.

First, Hasting & Hastings would like to ask every drive to remember to wear their seat belts. It has been proven time and time again that seat belts save lives. Even collisions at low speeds can be deadly if drivers and passengers are not wearing their seat belts. Properly worn seat belts, that means wearing both waist and shoulder strap, have been proven to save lives.

Second, Hastings & Hastings pleads with drivers to abstain from speeding. The National Highway Safety Administration states “Speeding is one of the most prevalent factors contributing to traffic crashes. The economic cost to society of speeding-related crashes is estimated by NHTSA to be $40.4 billion per year. In 2008, speeding was a contributing factor in 31 percent of all fatal crashes, and 11,674 lives were lost in speeding-related crashes.” Those staggering numbers should speak for themselves. Speeding kills. The Attorneys at Hastings & Hastings dream of a day when speeding related fatalities no longer exists.

Third, Hastings & Hastings encourages drivers to avoid driving while distracted. While cellphones may be great, living through to see the end of the day is even better. Other distractions may include eating, drinking, talking to passengers, applying cosmetics, or perhaps tying a tie. Events happen quickly while driving. If you drive distracted, you may miss an opportunity that would save your life, or the life of another driver.

Finally Hastings & Hastings calls for drivers to avoid hitting the road when they are drowsy. Virginia Tech conducted a study in which they determined that 20 percent of all accidents can site sleepiness as a contributing factor. Drivers should make sure they are getting at least 8 hours of sleep a night and should avoid hitting the road even if they are slightly drowsy.

Hastings & Hastings believes that if everyone works at being a better driver, together we can make our roads a safer place to be.   

About Hastings & Hastings

Hastings & Hastings is an Arizona consumer law firm. We are an experienced trial law firm that represents personal injury and wrongful death victims at a Discount Fee.

Contact Information

Kristy Guell
(480) 706-1100
[email protected]


Tags: car accident lawyer phoenix, personal injury lawyer phoenix, phoenix attorneys, phoenix personal injury attorney, phoenix personal injury lawyer

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Hastings & Hastings is an Arizona consumer law firm. We are an experienced trial law firm that represents personal injury and wrongful death victims at a Discount Fee.

Kristy Guell
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Hastings and Hastings
5505 W Chandler Blvd
Chandler, AZ 85226