Have You Checked Your Tension Today?

It is vital to your health to relax tension throughout the day. Stress Release Reminders is helping others to beware of tension levels and reminding them to relax the major stress holding areas.

"If your teeth are clenched and your fists are clenched, your lifespan is probably clenched." ~Terri Guillemets
Tension-the state of being stretched or strained to stiffness

An overlooked aspect of stress is the tightness our body holds while under any degree of anxiety. Whether it is held in our hands, feet, jaw, shoulders, & even our major organs.

This is one of the reasons why I started Stress Release Reminders. Checking tension levels is a great way to lower negative side effects of stress. It is not difficult to do, but it is difficult to remember to do it.

Our bodies have become so accustom to tension that we normally do not realize we are holding it. Start checking your tension. Make a mental note to where you hold the highest degree.The act of recognizing the tension, is an immediate relief to that area. Our mind instinctively releases the hold. The key is checking the areas often.

Just for fun- How does your jaw feel, are you clenching?- How does your shoulders feel, are they raised higher than they should be? How is your posture? Are your toes curled?

If you feel tight in an area, clinch it for a moment & loosen it up by shaking it lightly. Take an easy deep breath in. While you exhale, mentally imagine the area loose & light. It is that simple.

Tension can lead to so many health problems. It can cause heart disease, digestive disorders, Joint & bone disorders, and many more medical problems. Some health issues we can not control, but this we can. You CAN take control of your health, you just need to remember to do it.


Tags: anxiety, Calming technique, healthy living, stress, stress management, tension, Tension relief

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Kelly Evers
Press Contact, Stress Release Reminders
Stress Release Reminders
5100 S. Cleveland Avenue Suite #318 pmb 114 Ft Myers FL
Fort Myers, FL 33907