Have You Ever Wondered If Having A Blog Is Worth It? 10 Ways To Make It Profitable

Of course it's worth the time, but only if you can derive something from it. If you are the blogger that wants to have some spare time, and still have some decent traffic give this a read!

Hey you,

It's Brian Richards, filtering all the spam that's out there, and bringing you only the best, most useful articles of the day, plus a little bonus rant at the end (just the link to it, I am restrained here!).

I found this little piece on the way you should face challenges when you're starting a blog. I know how hard it is to alienate 90% of the people you know from your business, so I found you this little piece.


There are two broad types of blogs we see in this industry - the casual blogs and the impactful ones. The former consists of you writing a post occasionally and these are read by your closest friends and family. However, unlike the latter, they are not going to bring about any meaningful changes to your life. If you are looking to achieving concrete opportunities on both personal and business grounds, it is important to have the correct mindset; it has to be something you care about, like your job or a project you want it to succeed.

My point here is, commitment is very important. It drives the fundamentals of everything you want to construct with your own hands and ensures you have a clear direction towards your goal. Your initial direction may not always be correct and I believe in this case, two basic senses come into play - the sense of sight and sense of hearing.[...]

To see the rest of this article go Here.


It's your one and only Brian!

If you are alone in this world and most importantly if you are not! You better read about balancing your little venture with the rest of your life. Here are some tips to making something out of your basement business.


Growing a business is something you have to take seriously. I think far too many affiliates exist in a surreal cyberspace where they're making money but getting no closer to having a real business. And that's probably because they can get away with it while the going is good.

For me, the biggest challenges since I struck success have come through dealing with lifestyle changes and actually having to work with people. If you haven't yet woken up and smelt the bullshit, you're still a junior in this business. Managing people, managing relationships and managing your time are the three qualities that will get you out of your mum's basement and laying down the first building blocks of a real business.

Managing people is an ironic requirement. You probably shafted your day job to operate on your lonesome in a comfy sunlounger, and now you're going to have to actually get smart about how you work. Outsourcing or hiring people is unrealistic when you're getting started. But sooner or later you're going to realize that being a jack-of-all-trades is unnecessary and often unhelpful.

If you have just one skill - the ability to manage talented individuals - you have everything you need. I code like a spasticated monkey and my design work is functional to be polite. So managing people is something I've had to learn, and learn fast. [...]

Read the rest of the article here.


Thats all folks, say tuned for more cut through the crap writing, If You Liked This, make sure you visit the blog through this link for more ridiculously awesome selections and the Facebook rant!!

Take a look at previous articles here.

Hope you enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed putting this together.

Brian Signing Off.


Tags: automation, blogging, enterprise, internet marketing, startup business

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