Havealooksy.com Releases Their New Web Tool Looksy - To Make Picking Movies Online Easier.
Online, February 18, 2013 (Newswire.com)
Havealooksy.com, (NW) --
Looksy is a new web tool created by Rory O'Logan that has just been released in beta. When activated it overlays itself on the current webpage and provides a way to find Information about films - such as trailers, ratings and storyline by just right clicking, highlighting or typing the name of a movie title.
Looksy is a bookmarklet - which makes it easy to install and gives users a simple way to view trailers, ratings and information about movies by just clicking titles on the currently open webpage. In addition to finding out about movies Looksy can also be used to get relevant information from Wiki-pedia, videos from youtube and has a built in dictionary and thesaurus. Currently in beta Rory O'Logan said "I have made the tool selfishly for myself but I think that when I get more people using it and giving feedback it will develop into something even better than I could first envision".
The creation of Looksy like many other tools was spurred by the needs of it's founder Rory O'Logan ( part time app / web developer ) who said "video store websites and streaming content providers didn't have all the information I needed to make a choice about which movie to watch, I found myself having to change between multiple websites to watch a trailer and get user ratings. I wanted it to be easier".
To use Looksy go to http://.havealooksy.com and follow the instructions to install the Looksy button in the web browser, when browsing movies just click the Looksy button and the tool appears overlaid on the current website. Highlight, right click or type in the name of a movie and Looksy will find the trailer, movie information and ratings without leaving the current web page.
Tags: find, havealooksy, looksy, Movies, search, web tool