Health Alert: 3 Somewhat Adventurous Super Greens

Eating broccoli gets boring. Rose Straub highlights 3 super greens bursting with great nutrition and flavor that can help people expand their plate and revive their sense of veggie adventure.

"Eat your greens!" is a good rule to live by. But that doesn't mean people have to get bored with broccoli. The world of chlorophyll-rich plants that can add zing to salads, stirfries, sandwiches and even pizza is huge.

"Be adventurous," says Rose Straub, green aficionado and Vice President of Sun Chlorella USA. "Explore and experiment. You may find the color green not only delights your body at the cellular level but also tickles your senses with new textures, tastes and looks you wouldn't expect to find on your plate. The way I see it, the more green goodness you get in your diet, the better. And the more you mix it up, better yet. Each plant on this planet has its own unique nutritional value - not to mention the different flavors and aesthetic appeal!"

Finding a variety of greens may take some extra work. Some greens are available at any old grocer. But some might require befriending a gourmet-green-growing farmer to get a hold of. And some might even demand a trip into the wilds since they are not cultivated.

One of the first alternative greens to try is orach. Orach grows wild on the beach or in desert environments. It also has long been a favorite green to cultivate in hot climates where spinach goes to seed rather than producing leaves. It tastes like a mild form of spinach. But unlike spinach, when it's sunny and dry, orach thrives.

Powerpacked with nutrition, orach contains iron, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. And while most orach is green, it also comes in red and purple. These glorious hues come from anthocyanins - the same brain-protective pigments found in blueberries.

Wild orach is a traditional remedy for diabetes in Arabic medicine. Lab research bears this out. It seems orach has a similar effect on the glucose-transporting molecule, GLUT4 as insulin and consequently helps reduce blood sugar levels effectively.
The second green to look for is mustard. And this mustard isn't yellow. Nor does it come in a squeeze bottle.

"Mustard greens are a favorite in Japanese cooking and come in many different shapes and colors," notes Straub. "However, all of them have some degree of mustard-y hotness. Apple green mizuna adds a beautiful feathery leaf to a mix of salad greens. And the larger garnet or purple varieties start with bright green at the stem and shift into deep purples and reds. You can steam them or stirfry them. But you'll lose some of their mustardy bite."

Mustard greens aren't only stars when it comes to flavor and looks. They also are nutrition powerhouses. Like kale, by binding with bile acids, steamed mustard greens can help lower cholesterol. They have the highest concentration of the cancer-fighting sulfur compounds found in this family of vegetables. For detoxing, these compounds can be particularly helpful since they seem to boost the body's two-phase detox system.

For truly adventurous eaters, stinging nettles are a real treasure. But they take some extra effort to procure.

For not only is it rare to find fresh stinging nettles anywhere but in the wild, as their name implies, they are also somewhat painful to pick. Covered with tiny hairs filled with formic acid, histamine and acetylcholine, nettles are known to leave a mark on the skin they come in contact. The pain is temporary and then fades to a slight pins and needles sensation. In fact, traditional healers and modern researchers have shown nettles work as a remedy for joint pain.

"You might have to endure a little discomfort - or wear gloves - to harvest this special plant," warns Straub. "However, once you cook these greens, you're in for a treat. Adaptogenic herb researcher and herbal medicine expert, Donald Yance says nettles are one of his favorite superfoods. He eats them two or three times a week."

High in iron, nettles have a history of helping with anemia. Clinical research has shown they help cure allergies. In Chinese medicine, nettles are thought to help the kidneys and protect the lungs. Both of these uses have also been borne out by research.

To learn about 2 other greens or to read the rest of the article, please go to

About Rose Straub

Rose Straub is Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of Sun Chlorella USA. In addition to working to further Sun Chlorella USA's mission of supporting excellent health, she lives this mission in her personal life. Rose takes full advantage of enjoying California's beautiful outdoors and learning from its rich community of holistic health practitioners to build a vibrant and healthy life for herself and her family. Rose lives with her husband, Pat, and is both a proud mom and grandmother.

About Sun Chlorella USA

Sun Chlorella USA offers the finest quality chlorella products for anti-aging, weight maintenance, energy, heart, brain & digestive system, as well as overall health and wellness for both people and pets. Want to learn more health secrets? Get a free copy of our report, "Why Didn't My Doctor Tell Me About This?!" This eye-opening report, created by 5 pioneering natural health experts, reveal nutritional secrets that can change your life. Go to to get a copy. Also, for special offers, news and updates, follow us on Twitter at @sunchlorellausa or 'Like' us on Facebook at


Tags: greens, Nutrition, super greens

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