Health Alert: Doctor Reveals How This Particular Nutrient Helps Fight Aging

People are always looking for new ways to help their body fight off the ravages of time. Holistic doctor, Michael E. Rosenbaum, MD, reveals a special nutrient that promises to speed healing and fight off aging.

This spring, Sun Chlorella USA president Futoshi Nakayama and his wife, Yen, took their new baby and their dog to visit the animal rescue organization The Gentle Barn. As they toured the barns, they met another family with a new baby and a little dog. And this family had an amazing story to tell . . .

A few months earlier - almost despairing - this family had approached the Gentle Barn seeking help. Their dog, Sofia, had developed a hole in her stomach after being treated with anti-inflammatory medications. No medical intervention seemed to help and they were worried they'd lose this member of their family.

Having witnessed the powerful healing power of chlorella with their own animals, The Gentle Barn advised the family to try giving her a special chlorella extract - Wakasa Gold. The family added this concentrated extract to Sofia's feeding tube. Within a day she perked up. And within a few weeks, Sofia was back at home, eating and healing.

Needless to say, the family was ecstatic to meet Futoshi and his family and to be able to thank him personally for Sun Chlorella's role in helping their little dog recover. Without the extract Sun Chlorella produces, Sofia might not have been there at all - let alone looking forward to many more years with her family.

"As this family discovered, chlorella harbors inside of it a special regenerative substance that may prove to be a secret factor in longevity," notes Dr. Michael E. Rosenbaum, MD, a pioneer in holistic medicine. "For years, chlorella ability to quickly reproduce at the cellular level - far more rapidly than most other organisms - has captured scientists' attention. Now we know chlorella's remarkable vitality may be due to a special nutrient. Better yet, this special substance not only helps chlorella grow but also can help animals and people."

As scientists from the Medical Division of Nagasaki University demonstrated, a hot water extract of chlorella promoted exceptionally healthy growth rates in children. They gave 676 children ages 6-10 years 30 mg of chlorella extract daily. After 100 days, the children had surpassed the control group of children in both height and weight.

It's important to note, none of the children who took the chlorella extract were overweight. Their measurements were considered well within the healthy range of growth. In fact they were closer to ideal development than their counterparts. As these robust school children showed, chlorella seemed to help the body mature optimally.

As researchers eventually discovered, chlorella contains an incredibly powerful growth factor. Produced by both plants and animals in a variety of forms, growth factors exist everywhere. These special signal molecules rally an organism's resources and instruct living tissue to regenerate, heal, protect itself and grow. They cause plants to flourish and wounds to heal. The human body alone has over a dozen different forms of these molecules that trigger rejuvenation, cellular reproduction and development.

But while similar in function and makeup to other growth factors found in nature, chlorella growth factor (CGF) stands out. Subsequent research shows how this special growth factor fosters healing in remarkable ways:

• At the Medical College at Kyushyu University, two doctors, Shioichi Hasuda and Yoshiro Mitoi had several patients for whom blood transfusions, antiobiotics and skin grafts failed to work in healing infected wounds. After giving the patients chlorella and chlorella extract, they reported signs of healing in as little as two weeks.

• With dramatic photographs, Dr. David Steenblock demonstrated how he used CGF mixed with honey and applied it to stubborn diabetic foot ulcers. Within a few days, the ulcer started healing visibly. As Steenblock explains, mixing the CGF with honey and keeping a gauze bandage over it kept the CGF in contact with the ulcer at all times so it could stimulate the tissue to heal.

• Malaysian researchers demonstrated how CGF seemed to help protect skin cell cultures from UV light damage and oxidation. According to the researchers, the CGF seemed to protect the cells at the genetic level by preventing the shrinking of protective genetic material known as telomeres.

"As these examples underscore, chlorella growth factor doesn't just help children grow," explains Dr. Rosenbaum. "Growth - in the form of cellular reproduction - is a constant part of life. It's part of our lives as we go into 30's, 40's, 50's . . . even if we make it into our second century of life. We're always building new muscles, creating new layers of skin, new blood cells, bone tissue and liver cells . . . the list goes on. Throughout our life, our cells have to produce new cells in order to regenerate damaged tissue and keep our body in working order."

As people get older, growth factors are essential for maintaining good health. But like much of the essential biochemistry that courses through the body, people produce less of these factors with age. Rich in protein and nucleotides, growth factors are expensive to make.
Chlorella growth factor (CGF) offers a way to make up for this deficit.

Concludes Dr. Rosenbaum: "No one has explained exactly how CGF works so quickly and effectively. Perhaps it simply gives a message to the body like other signal molecules. Some preliminary research has demonstrated CGF increases your body's production of key immune cells. Perhaps CGF helps because it offers your body a rich concentration of nucleic acids, a nutritional building block long known to help prevent aging. Perhaps its special sugars - some of them linked to stronger immunity and healing - help fuel the body. Or perhaps - and most likely - it's the convergence of all these special qualities."

What's clear is that CGF is an invaluable factor in chlorella's nutritional potency. As Dr. Bernard Jensen, a pioneer in natural healing explains and author of Chlorella, Gem of The Orient, explains, CGF lifts the energy level of the body as a whole. It repairs and renews all organs, glands and tissues of the body.

To find out more about CGF or to read the rest of the article, please got to

About Dr. Michael E Rosenbaum, MD

Dr. Michael E. Rosenbaum is a 35-year veteran and widely recognized pioneer in the field of nutritional medicine, alternative healthcare and medical acupuncture. As one of America's most respected experts in natural health and healing, Dr. Rosenbaum has been a frequent lecturer to professional medical groups and has participated in numerous television and radio talk shows. He is also an esteemed member of the Sun Chlorella Advisory Board, which helps guide the medical innovation behind Sun Chlorella products.

About Sun Chlorella USA

Sun Chlorella USA offers the finest quality chlorella products for anti-aging, weight maintenance, energy, heart, brain & digestive system, as well as overall health and wellness for both people and pets. Want to learn more health secrets? Get a free copy of our report, "Why Didn't My Doctor Tell Me About This?!" This eye-opening report, created by 5 pioneering natural health experts, reveal nutritional secrets that can change your life. Go to to get a copy. Also, for special offers, news and updates, follow us on Twitter at @sunchlorellausa or 'Like' us on Facebook at


Tags: anti-aging, anti-aging foods, chlorella growth factor, longevity

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