Health Insurance Is Now Mandatory - Better Act Now
Online, April 11, 2010 (
If I were you, I'd think about buying individual health insurance as soon as possible... else you might pay a lot more than you need to. Whether or not you asked for this, it's here. Health insurance is now required if you are a US citizen.
I am the owner of a website that gives tips about getting medical insurance and I'm here to talk about the issues and let you know what we might be in for.
I don't exactly know what the politicians were thinking when they passed this bill. To be honest, I didn't read the whole thing because it's 1100 pages. I doubt more than a couple dozen lawyers actually know what's in this bill. Yes, the length of these bills is clearly absurd, but that's not really the issue here. The issue is, how this is going to affect you.
This measure taken by our government is actually unprecedented in a way. There are no other laws like it because this is the only one that requires every living citizen to pay for health insurance. It's not like they're giving it to us (well, nothing is ever given to us... if they "gave it to us" we would just be paying through taxes). But there are currently no other mandates for just being alive.
Think about it... you need to pay taxes, but only if you make money. You need to have a driver's license, but only if you drive. Now you need to pay for medical insurance if you're alive. For me, this is a tough pill to swallow because I am all about freedom. I want the freedom to choose whether health insurance is right for me. In fact, I haven't been to a doctor or a hospital in over 5 years. Yes, that doesn't mean I won't need to some day... but that is the risk I take - that's why it's called insurance.
But regardless of what I want and what you want and what is ultimately right and moral, the health insurance mandate is here. And my question is... what will this do to prices? Does the government think this will help reduce prices? Perhaps there are some provisions for this in the bill. If not, we might be in for the biggest heist since the "bailout." Because what would stop the insurance companies from hiking their prices knowing very well that the demand is going to go through the roof? It is simple demand and supply principles - increase demand, keep supply constant, and the price will increase.
So I'm thinking the best way to still get reasonably cheap medical insurance before they raise it up is to get it ASAP. It is possible to lock in a rate for at least a year, sometimes longer, depending on what company you use.
Check out my site, where I talk about how to save money on health insurance, as well as other issue surrounding the industry.
Tags: Buying, Health, insurance, medical